• He ran, demons at his heals, it was midnight, meaning that all of them were at full power. He continued running, until he saw a village. He concentrated, and leapt, and smashed a hand onto the wall bordering the village. A demon grabbed his heel. Inside the village, the screams could be heard for miles around, and some people ran outside, all of them with weapons, and ran at the demon. They were accustomed to killing demons. It was a second nature to them. The boy's body was torn in two, he was still alive, barely, his chest was ripped open, and blood flowed out like water in a river. He cried out again, as he felt something at his side. It was a spider, with a giant dog's head, and human arms and legs where it's spider legs should have been. It had the body of a giant cat. He screamed. The demon spider bit him, as the humans near charged it, swords bloody from the other demon. The boy was dead by the time they reached him. His heart and lungs had been eaten. His arteries had been ripped open, and he was torn in two, only connected by his spine. The spider was fighting back against the humans, and fighting well. In a matter of minutes.The demon spider wrecked the village, the only other people inside were children and woman. Easy prey. For now, the world was still echoing with the screams of the boy.