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  • Arenas
  • Flying Purple People eater
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Flying Purple People eater
  • Artist: Mikazuki of the Moon
  • Description: I saw this thing coming outta the sky
    It had one large horn, and one big eye!
    I commenced a-shaking and I said "Oowhee!"
    It looks like a purple people eater to me!

    Hey, no one ever said the people eater was a male, right?
  • Date: 01/24/2009
  • Tags: flying purple people eater
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Mikazuki of the Moon - 02/01/2009
  • BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Actually, that's what started this thing, was getting that song stuck in my head. >.< Bowser, why on earth would it be one winged?
  • Bowser634 - 01/30/2009
  • Heh... God job! 5/5. I hope this is at least in the top 10. The only thing I would do is make it a One Eyed, "ONE WINGED" Flying Purple People Eater.
  • Lord Byakuya Kuchiki - 01/29/2009
  • Your avatar creations are always impressive and you deserve a great deal more credit for your efforts; this latest submission is no different and is both amusing and interesting. It goes without saying you shall receive a five from me.
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