• Ittarius's Gallery
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  • Artist Info:
    YO<br />
    I'm a 19 year-old pansexual genderqueer artist, feminist and dorkface. I adore the fantasy genre and superheroes. I was never much of a comic reader- although Watchmen was the shiz. Art is my favorite thing in all the land, followed by Breaking Benjamin and at some point dragons. I am total Superwholock trash. Some other fandoms include the MCU (Daredevil, Avengers, Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc), Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Hannibal, Buffy, etc etc you get the idea. I'm an introvert and have chronic anxiety but I'm still friendly af so PMs are coolio. <br />
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    And on an unrelated note: Groot makes my heart happy.<br />
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    My old and new DeviantArt accounts for my arty art (this background is one of my paintings, too)<br />
    Retired<br />
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