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Artist Info:
<br />
<br /><br />
Name: Tamara Balter<br />
D.O.B: Classified<br />
Age: Early 20's<br />
Eth: German<br />
P.O.B: Berlin, Germany<br />
Race: Human<br />
Height: 5'4<br />
Weight: 120 lbs<br />
Hair: Blue, with one piece dyed green<br />
Eyes: Before experimented on; Brown. After Experimented on; whites and iris' turned blood red.<br />
Personality: Curious, cruel, cocky, confused, mad, blood-thirsty.<br />
<br />
-Had two brothers. One younger then her, fourteen. The elder one, was in his 30's. Both deceased.<br />
-One sister, four. Deceased.<br />
-Mother, deceased.<br />
-Father; sold Tamara to his father. Tamara was a few weeks old when she was sold. Deceased.<br />
-Grandfather, experimented on Tamara. Currently working at the Broken Asylum. Head doctor.<br />
--<br />
-Wanted in German.<br />
-Is being hunted by three Non-failed experiments. Frost, Alex, Jackal.<br />
-Was caught by Frost, but quickly got away. She ripped Frost's throat out.<br />
-Has razor sharp teeth.<br />
-Has nails that are sharp as diamonds. They are like a cats, will come out at will and she make them appear normal.<br />
-Never shows teeth while smiling.<br />
<br />
Past:<br />
Tamara was born sometime in the 80's. She was born into the a wealthy family. The family owns an insane asylum. The asylum is currently called: Broken Asylum.<br />
<br />
When she was two weeks old, her father had signed a deal with his father, Tamara's grandfather. When the deal was completed, her grandfather took Tamara from her home. She lived in the asylum. When she was three the experiments started. At first it was just blood injection. Wolverine blood was injected into her blood stream. Then, they started to experiment on her teeth. Then her nails. When the experiment reached it's third month, Tamara started to slowly lose her mind.<br />
<br />
The second month Tamara eyes started to change color. No longer the brown color she was born with. Her hair had changed colors. It was once red, now it's blue. She had dyed a piece of it green.<br /> - Avg. rating:
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