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  • Artist Info: Hey people. This is my new account, I had another one (fierce_of_the_deity) and it got frozen/baned and i can go on it anymore. If u where my friend i will be more than happy being ur friend again on this account. If i don't no you, again, I will be more than happy to be ur friend. I love to talk to new people, so send me a private message and I will get back to you within twenty-four hours. <br />
    My hobbies r : watching anime, reading manga, reading long books, playing video games, watching tv, drawing, ceramic pottery, paintings, watching pro football, watching pro baseball, sleeping, and eating. <br />
    My favorite animes r : naruto, naruto shippuuden, bleach, inuyasha, one piece, d-grey man, death note, juuni kuuki (twelve kingdoms), prince of tennis, s-cry-ed, sailor moon, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball gt, airmaster, hunterxhunter, hunterxhunter ova, hunterxhunter ova 2, hunterxhunter green island, eyeshield 21, airmaster, yuu yuu hakisho, fruits basket, pokemon (the orginal), yu-gi-oh, rave master, black cat, and more that i will add later. <br />
    My favoirte managas r: naruto, naruto shippuuden, bleach, one piece, d-grey man, prince of tennis, death note, hunterxhunter, eyeshield 21, yuu yuu hakisho, fruits basket, rave master (or just rave), akuma na eros, beauty pop, princess ai, planet ladder, yurara, the demon named ororon, black cat, faerie's landing, forbidden dance, and so much more. i've read almost every manga on onemanga.com, mangavolume.com, and thespectrum.net. <br />
    My top friend *HENERYMICHAEL* is my little brother ^_^ <br />
    <br />
    <a href="http://www.stoptheremake.com/"><br />
    <img src="http://stoptheremake.com/template/str_myspace.jpg" border="0" alt="Stop the Remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show"><br />
    </a><br />
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