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  • Artist Info: Welcome! <br />
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    Yes, I know that my profile has been very dull and empty for few months... Or years, not quite sure. So now, I have decided to pump it up with energy and random stuff! I shall tell you something about myself, but first: I WANT YOU TO ASK QUESTIONS! Whatever random you want. And I will answer, but please, please do not ask anything inaproppriate (ToS's rules, people!). <br />
    PM me, or type your question into my comment box! <br />
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    But now some normal things about me:<br />
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    Name: Wonla. Not my real name, I think I'll leave it for later.<br />
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    Gender: Yes, I am a girl. A bit boyish sometimes, but still a 100% girl.<br />
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    Location: Finland. Surprised? Or thinking: "That explains her horrible spelling...". I can admit, that I am from the land of thousand lakes, the land of Santa... etc. But don't judge the book by where it is from! <br />
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    And this is where you guys step in! Now send me some questions, whatever is on your mind! You don't even have to be my friend!<br />
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    And if you can't think of any good questions, you can also help me with BBCode and my profile layout ... I'm not a master of that, so I hope that someone could help me. <br />
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    See you in zOMG!<br />
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    UPDATE! <br />
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    Yay, my 4 first questions are here! <br />
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    shuuyin harabagee<br />
    i got three questions for ya.<br />
    1. what do you think of zombies?<br />
    2. what do you think of naruto?<br />
    3.and finally what do you think of my profile?<br />
    p.s. what do you think of gaia?<br />
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    1. *answer in progress* <br />
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    2. I watched naruto for about 170 episodes, but then all the filler was too much for me. I'm still reading the manga though. As a character, Naruto is pretty annoying sometimes, but I like him! I'm quite sure, that Naruto is the reason, why my Avis are very often ninja-related. (mask, katana, etc...)<br />
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    3. Your profile took a while to load on my computer because of all the stuff, but I can see that you are a huge Naruto fan! It looks very nice and naruto-ish (not sure if that's a real word, but I'm sure you got the point!) :><br />
    <br />
    and the last one: Gaia is awesome. Really nice and friendly people, fun games, epic threads and all the random lol! I have been here almost 3 years, and I have enjoyed my time here. Gaia has also been a good place for me to practise my english xD Oh, and I shouldn't forget about all the events! I wish Gaia could organize another rejected olympics!<br />
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    OOH! ANOTHER UPDATE! heart <br />
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    ll alisaur ll<br />
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    Heloooo! ;D<br />
    <br />
    I gota random question, ,>.><br />
    Have you ever forgot to take off your socks before you got in the shower? O.o <br />
    <br />
    THE ANSWER: Yay, a random question!<3 Hmm... not really. Does it count if I have stepped on a wet bathroom floor with my socks on? That wasn't nice D: Wet socks = DO NOT WANT <br />
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    iBlackxRabbit<br />
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    I gots a question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
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    What would you do if a random hot guy came up to you and hugged ya? <br />
    <br />
    and the answer is: First, hug back <3<br />
    Then I'd blush a lot and be all like "wtf just happened?" o///o<br />
    And then.... maybe I'd run away or say something stupid xD
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