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Hello, I am Miki-chan!!! My friends who know me call me a lot of things: Pwint-chan, Phyu-chan, Hiyo-chan, etc. etc. I AM RANDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WACHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay i should stop now~~~~~~~<br />
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I LOVE CATS!!!!! And for some reason, I really LOVE black cats. I know, I know; black cats are bad luck and so on. But they are so irresistible. :3<br />
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I really enjoy reading manga, especially FMA. XP My favorite mangas are FMA, Bleach, Vampire Knight, One Piece, any mangas by Hiromu Arakawa (she's my favorite author smile ) and Naruto. One Piece was my first anime, but i hooked on the manga and I still love it. Sooooooooooo, basically I am a Manga FREAK!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA <continues to laugh manically> <br />
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I kinda just started to watch anime that much soooooooooooo yah, but i do watch LUCKY STAR, K-ON!, CHROME SHELL REGIOS, CODE GEASS, and AXIS POWERS HETALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh-huh!!!!!!!!!! Oh-yah!!!!! I used to watch Blood but then i gave up...... YAHZ!!!!!!!<br />
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Yah, I am crazily hyper, and get sugar rushes a lot. My friend says I get crazy whenever I drink mango juice. And that is sooooo not true! I get hyper everytime I eat sugar!!!!!! <br />
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I am new to gaia, but it seems like an awesome place! biggrin I would like to have lots of friends. ^_^ And lots of stuff.... GAIA IS THE BEST ADDICTING GAME. <br />
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