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Hellooooo, I am Ezra. Here are some of my thoughts on different things.<br />
Animals: Komodo dragons. Also mongooses. Also cats. Also cows. Best stuff ever.<br />
Music: Daft Punk. duh. sooooo awesome. Also Calvin Harris. Red Hot chili peppers. beastie boys. all good.<br />
Comics: MANGA! ONLY GOOD COMICS. by the way, manga noobs, Anime is the TV adaption of manga. ANIME IS THE CARTOON, MANGA IS THE COMIC. stupidheads.<br />
Movies: The Simpsons movie. and Interstella 5555. the saddest movie i've seen? up. holy crap, there is so much sad in that movie. saddens me.<br />
Tattos: I want only two. A giant squid eating a little boy, and the kool-aid man burstin out of my back, drawn like all those little dots like in 50's comics. and he'll be saying: OH YEAH! yeah. I kmow im freakin' awesome. and i'm only 12. - Avg. rating:
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