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  • Artist Info:
    Konichiwa~!<br />
    I'm colorful_asian, but you can call me:color, asian, colorful, Ella (only if you know why I'm called this <.< wink etc. <br />
    As of January 27, 2019, I will officially be Jumping on and off -- life is full of experiences that require me away from here, so alas here we are. <br />
    Random Things To Know About Color:<br />
    1. I like anime, manga, and kdramas~ Goblin is like my favorite so far~~<br />
    2. I'm a Slytherin, but I really like dressing up in blue [partial Ravenclaw], so don't get confused cool <br />
    3. Please don’t add me if I don’t know you. <br />
    4. I like to doodle and write -- I post mostly on instagram, but you'd have to dm me to let me give it to you o3o <br />
    5. I don't bite so come and say hi (just note the response back would be a lot longer) c: I am shy though, so don't be surprised if I'm extremely awkward ahahaha razz <br />
    6. I’ve been told I’m a smart cookie, but I think I’m more or less determined and hardworking.
    <br />
    7. I'm currently in the process of creating a web comic -- feel free to ask for details if you like but its still in alpha mode and it'll be finished whenever I have the time -- it's a matter of fine tuning at this point.<br />
    To my lovely friends out there, thank you so much, I love you always, I will keep you in my prayers, and hope to talk soon <3 !<br />
    I don't really use this much, but here's my deviantart~<br />
    <br />
    "Y'know, after all it's worth, of all the cells known to man, I think you'd perfectly be called a natural killer."
    <br />
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