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I am a proud man who has moved a big amount of peoples hearts but there is still one big crime need to fight against.<br />
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WOMENS RIGHT! That part of the social part is going over flown since the women's don't see all good stuff they have and want to take over the world. They already got a big trauma in the world and they still want it to be fair even in works they want to get paid equal but as the male has to work harder than the girl does. Men this days works twice as hard unlike the girls and have more troubles since Womens use every human law against the males know why?<br />
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Since the Males can't use it as well because they will be think like this.<br />
1. If you lose to a girl in a fight you are a weakling<br />
2. If you get raped by a women WE cops laugh at you.<br />
3. hurting a male with a crime they see as a joke but if a girl gets one hit in her face the freaking military comes out and the media will call you a freaking Psycho.<br />
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to all womens out there be happy for what you got and don't be greedy assholes as you want us males to be good be good yourself. Much more than that we humans can't do betters. Be nice to one another.<br />
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