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Hey,welcome to my profile<br />
move along nothing to see here,well...it's nothing fancy...<br />
WHAT?!?!you're refusing to go anywhere?!okay then but proceed with caution<br />
for more AWESOMENESS.Well if you're has AWESOME as me you can just click the add friend button that is..if you are interested<br />
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We can all be friends here no need to be shy *evil smirk*<br />
I mean..WHAT?!?!no this is not my evil face....<br />
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Equal Rights - Hopeful one day no one would have to come out and hide or be afraid of who they are and we'd all be treated equally regardless of our race,ethnicity,sex,gender and sexual orientation<br />
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Things I Love: I love video games - equal rights - manga/cartoons - music/art <br />
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love(can't live without it)it's what makes our world go round besides life would be much better if we all loved one another and treated each other better<br />
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jokes (I make a lot of jokes and love the laughs) especially on crumy days<br />
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Open minded people remember to always keep an open mind(not really a fan of narrow minded people because there's never one answer,truth is if there's a question then there are bound to be multiple answers unless it's a test then it's probable only one answer AHA)<br />
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I love to help people out I mean imagine one day you come on to the gaming world or just anywhere and you're lost you don't know what to do and then BAM someone lands you a hand,it's nice when someone helps you when you're in need of someones aid or a little help plus you just made one more friend along the way.Not so bad is it?<br />
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My dislikes: I don't like one sided convos it's like going to a one way street you know it's going to be a dead end so..why not take a different road?and by that I mean to try and make the convo a little bit longer because it does get boring at times and it just goes nowhere(and by that I mean I don't know what else to say/add so it all goes and plummets down to hell..never to be seen from or heard from again)<br />
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Silent people OMG!don't you just hate(now I would have to say that hate is a strong word why don't we just use dislike?nahhh lets just roll with it)..it when you say hi to someone "creatings fellow Gaian,I bring love and peace" and they don't respond back?or worse they leave or even worse then that when you're in middle sentence gonk <br />
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I'm actually a:<br />
pretty easy going person - happy go lucky - open minded<br />
I'm also really nice and I also crack up a lot of jokes<br />
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Well good morning bye bye arrivederci and good night<br />
and don't forget,stay AWESOME - Avg. rating:
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