- mimi phantom's Gallery
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Artist Info:
Hey there, I'm Mimi and this is my profile. I guess since you took the time to stalk me I should give you a little information huh? Well I live on the North Eastern coast of the USA. I enjoy doing the following activities: drawing avatar art, roleplaying, writing poetry, playing video games, watching anime, real life cosplay, drawing hentai art (its a hobby I indulge in quite often), dressing my avatar in cute clothes, cuddling, taking pictures, and watching the sun rise. I like drawing free art even though I should charge for my work. I'm overwhelmingly generous I can't really say no to people who need help unless I have absolutely no means of helping them. I am not a pervert even though I draw hentai I just think drawing my subjects while doing the deed is a bit more intimate then my normal art. I like to have fun talking to new people so I go out onto towns a whole bunch. I also have a respiratory issue which I was born with that causes me to disappear from Gaia and the internet for days on end. I hope we can become good friends with one another. <br />
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Also before I forget please send any and all art request through Private message so its easier for me to keep track of. - Avg. rating:
My friend has
changed a lot
since we met,
and I realized
he is barely
the same person
from back then - Don't Move.
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
I wrote this
because a
friend that I
used to like
betrayed me
twice by making
fun of me and I
didn't - I Know You Can
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 4 recent comments
How I feel. It
was an outburst
of frustration
at school. No
matter what,
you can't
evade drama. It
f - Lies, Breakings
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
This is the
result. - Dead, Gone
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
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