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First of all, LoaZ is an acronym.<br />
It stands for Lord of all Zombies! Because that's who I am, the Lord of all Zombies!<br />
Self-proclaimed that is, and nothing you can do about it.<br />
Hobbies? Well when I'm not eating, sleeping, or gaming I'm busy at work designing new zombies for my abnormal zombie hoard!<br />
How am I, a zombie, talking fluently you might ask?<br />
Well I don't know, but I am, and I'm lovin' it!<br />
Who am I really?<br />
Well that's not even remotely important!<br />
All you need to do is pray that I don't get bored!<br />
Why you ask?<br />
Well let's just say a lot of people will go missing, and a lot of new zombies will appear in my lovely little hoard!<br />
Au revoir for now mes amis! <br />
Just pray I don't feel you'll make an excellent specimen! - Avg. rating:
- Half robotic ...
- Painting And Drawing
- 1 recent comments
- Dual buster s...
- Painting And Drawing
- 4 recent comments
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