- starblazer_87's Gallery
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Welcome to my page<br />
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I'm 24, female (don't let my username fool you) and live in Canada with my pets and boyfriend. I use the username starblazer because it was the show name of my maine coon cat (picture above).<br />
My current pets are:<br />
-Amber, my mix breed small dog (picture above on "her" blanket or at least she seems to believe it belongs to her)<br />
-a rose-hair tarantula in a 18" x 18" x 24" terrarium (picture coming if I can get a decent picture)<br />
-an emporor scorpion in a 33 gallon tank (picture above sleeping in pot)<br />
-a 10 gallon marine tank with a clown fish, a blue-legged hermit crabs and a red/purple lobster that I can't remember the name of<br />
-a 33 gallon tropical tank with a red-tailed shark, small clown loach, female rope fish, four hillside loaches (look like little ray plecos to me) and two clown plecos<br />
-a 29 gallon with a red-bellied piranha and several convict cichlids who have finally stopped multipling (my piranha barely ever kills and eats one)<br />
-a 55 gallon with two jack demspy, a texas cichlid, female green terror, firemouth cichlid (female I think), jewel cichlid, dark blue with yellow tail cichlid (can't find his name right now), peacock cichlid and 3 large plecos (not common but can't remember the name of them)<br />
-a 10 gallon tank with a male betta and a common pleco<br />
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If you think I'm doing something wrong with any of my pets you can message me. I don't mind debating the care of my animals and am open to different ideas/suggestions BUT if you start flamming me and/or think that your way is always right I will either ignore you or tell you what is wrong with what you are telling me I must do and what will (possibly) happen if I listen to you.<br />
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If you have any questions about tropical fish feel free to ask me. I've taken care of quite a few different fish from the peaceful tetras, rasboras, gouramis to the semi-aggressive barbs and sharks to the aggressive cichlids I currently have.<br />
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<br />I love RPG video games with the final fantasy series being among my favorites.<br />
If you need help getting a shiny pokemon in any of the fourth or fifth generation games message me and I will see what I can do. Please note that I use pokegen for my shinies in the fourth generation (until I can find a user friendly RNG guide for it) and I RNG for my shinies in the fifth generation (if the eggmoves are too complicated to get I will use pokegen for the fifth generation). I require the following information before I even start to get a shiny for you:<br />
Gender, ability, IVs, hidden power type/strength, nickname, eggmoves and anything else you can think of. If you don't care about one or more of the stuff listed let me know in your message. I will not get you a pokemon that isn't out yet/ability hasn't been released/impossible eggmoves; so basically the pokemon must look legit when I am done with it or I will not take the request.<br />
It should take me 2 days max once I have the above information. This all depends on what I have going on but should usually take me no more than a couple hours if I'm not busy.<br />
If you have a problem with one/both of my methods don't bother messaging me because I will ignore you.<br />
I make NO GUARANTEES that I will be able to get you the pokemon that you are requesting.<br />
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My Rules: (for all messages sent to me)<br />
-if I can't read your message I will ignore it so use proper english (no internet slang)<br />
-spelling/grammer errors are fine as long as it looks like you are trying but try to reread your message to look for errors before sending it<br />
-if you are rude to me I will not help you and may proceed to ignore you<br />
-if I can't understand what you are saying/asking in your message and you follow the above rules I will message you to see if I got it right<br />
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It all depends on what mood I'm in.<br />
The same applies if I see everyone ganging up on someone with major flaming/insults whether I agree with them or not.<br />
It really isn't that hard to be decent to people. You don't have to be polite but there is no need for people to be downright rude.<br />
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The following link has some information on customizing your profile if you are interested.<br />
How to Code a v2/Current Profile Guide<br />
I found it very helpful for doing mine. - Avg. rating:
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