• So we’re at it again.
    This petty game everyone has to play.
    What are you doing? What are you fighting?
    Do you remember any lessons?
    Have you no prior knowledge?
    You! You are a hypocrite.
    You’ll never mean what you say.
    You’ll never listen to your own rules.
    All of you hypocritical fools ought to know,
    it’s against you that I’m fighting.
    I’m fighting for that illusion of a moral or truth.
    For someone to be able to say that something is wrong and follow that.
    Against one thing more than everything else.
    Simple… simple judgment flaws.
    There are some of you who say you’re misunderstood.
    There are some, who claim no one likes you just because of the clothing you wear.
    Some who even say it is the way they look that drives people away.
    But what do you all do?
    What do you do while you ask for them to stop judging you?
    You see someone else, and you judge them on everything.
    We live in a world filled with stereotypes and this neo-racism that has come up.
    That and the thoughts and beliefs and assumptions that have been forced on everyone.
    And although virtually every single one of you will agree that it is wrong,
    you still follow them to some degree.
    Clothing, grades, accessories, colors, in both flesh and apparel, speech patterns, interests, hobbies.
    Anything that makes us who we are, that makes everyone their own person…
    Is judged.
    So what are we then?
    Hypocritical, just that.
    Every second of every day we contradict ourselves in our thoughts and actions.
    Every time you see someone… years of teaching will ask you not to judge but deep down,
    For some maybe not as deep, you judge everything.
    It is rarely as brutal as it used to be, but tiny things still impact us.
    Where we shop, glasses, our music we listen to, the way we meet with friends, who we talk to even. Everything.
    What is this?
    What have we done?
    We are separating the world into races within races.
    More than that, species within species.
    We are entirely denying ourselves a right to talk with anyone or know everyone.
    And it’s all from our hypocrisy and our history, and our past.
    But no.
    Just wait a moment, this is the same old speech we’ve all heard before, isn’t it?
    It’s always been here, this logic.
    Maybe it’s just hopeless to dream.
    But… if it’s been said before, why is it no one listens?
    Open your ears!!
    You should all just close your eyes…
    Then you’ll see everything because nothing will be blinding you.