• i remember

    on that sleepless night...
    soundless, blurry...
    no light.

    and there you are.
    gently make my soul bright.
    it feels so right.
    i can't believe my sight...

    you are everything i ever dreamed
    my heart want to blast with joy.
    it seemed.

    those days were truly, like i'm flying
    beautiful moments, i feel like crying
    true you are, the answer to my pray
    is it too much, if i want you to stay?

    but, now,

    my heart is not whole
    a part is ripped, also my soul
    you vanish, dissappeared...
    it's just as i feared.

    there is no heaven, ever.
    in this world, nor even after.
    i've lost love
    i've lost hope.

    my only piece of heart is ripped to pieces
    my spirit shatters

    is this passion just a bad dream?
    a weak faraway light, so dim?

    i'll never get through you
    the only one to my heart so true

    i want to look for her,
    but i ask my self, where to?

    my spirit, my soul, my passion will never be like before
    like the first time you showed behind my door...

    my love,
    i'm missing you..
    where are you...

    dear love....