I gaze at the diamond-strewed water,
land far away,
my boat rocking,
bringing me home,
The Mother Ship,
she looms.
A monolith to technology,
a beauty of the mind,
a product of man's ability,
to shape what we want in reality,
Streaked white by the moon,
covered blue by man,
glittering by starlight,
a gleaming hope,
coming home soon
My boat goes away,
control is not mine,
I scream,
in this dream,
how could this be?
I'm not coming home.
The Mother Ship goes away,
my own ship goes astray,
into the water,
dumping myself out,
into the unforgiving water
down to the beauty,
down to the harshness,
of the Dream's Ocean.
Away from home.
All around me,
All around me,
Striped, puffed, slippery,
crystaline, coralized, alive,
fish here,
fish there,
beautiful living paintings of Nature,
squirming, sliding, slipping,
Below me,
my bed,
below me,
the coral.
Colorful, budding, living cement.
Colorful, budding, living art.
Colorful, budding, living homes,
for the fish,
and now, for me.
My arms drift away,
my legs lose themselves.
My lungs fill with water,
my brain fills with dark,
my heart fills with peace,
my conscience fills with acceptance.
I don't know how, but I accept,
with this peace and darkening,
that I'm not going home.
The great Sol of the Night,
she looks on.
embracing me.
Light is everywhere,
so why is it dark?
This dream is so dark,
so why is it beautiful?
I am dreaming a death,
so why do I never want this to end?
How can I, when I need to go home?
I see myself,
I see my hair,
my useless limbs,
this useless suit,
this useless body,
my useful soul.
I drown,
but I'm living the moment.
I suffocate,
but I'm breathing this all in.
I die,
but I've never been more alive.
I sink,
but I'm going higher than I've ever been before.
As I drown in this dream,
As I drown in this sleep,
as I drown in this peace,
as I drown in this deepness,
I let go.
I've finally died.
And I realize,
I've finally come home.
A Dream Of Drowning
Doctor Jax
This sort of describes a very vivid dream I once had about falling overboard and not being able to swim. This is real. Learn from this.
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