• The Fence

    Do you really love me?
    I can’t tell
    You say you do,
    But I don’t know

    You say you love me intently
    With your whole entire heart
    I think I know you’re telling the truth
    I just can’t accept it with all I’ve been through

    There’s a fence around my heart
    Before people may have entered in, it’s a good feeling when someone enters,
    But when they leave,
    Pain is death
    And death is pain

    There used to be people inside the fence,
    But then they left
    With an excruciating pain
    Unbearable to feel again

    And having felt this before
    One does not wish to feel that
    I can’t bear it further
    I know I love you.

    I know you love me
    Just it’s hard to let you in
    You’re close enough
    I’m just afraid

    My own fears are holding me back
    It’s time I come clean
    Start over
    Without my previous knowledge

    I’ll let you in
    All you have to do,
    Is promise me
    That you’ll be the one that stays!
    And if you do,
    I’ll stay in yours too
    That is,
    If you let me in. smile