• Something's not right
    Can you feel it?
    Do you notice it to?
    Or is it just me?

    Something's definitely not right
    Or maybe I'm just imagining things
    But I'm sure I feel it
    Why can't you?

    Something's not right
    With you or me, I wonder?
    Maybe it's just me
    I hope that it's just me

    Because something's not right
    And I don't like it
    Don't want it
    Won't admit that I'm scared

    That something's not right
    With love or with life
    I don't know
    I just know one thing

    Something's not right
    I can feel it
    I imagine it
    I dread it

    Something's not right
    Not with you
    Or with me
    But with both of us

    Something can't be right
    If I feel it so strongly
    If I fear it so strongly
    If you don't notice anything at all

    It's not right
    It can't be right
    It's definitely not right
    Something's just not right

    But my fear holds me back
    My love holds me back
    From asking
    From speaking of it

    Or is it just me?
    Do you notice it to?
    Can you feel it?
    I'm sorry

    But something's not right