• A dream
    So warm
    So cozy
    Everything safe
    Safe from harm
    Safe from danger
    Safe from the real world
    Your dream
    Your dream is locked inside your head
    Sitting there
    Waiting for you
    Waiting for you to come back
    To that dream
    To dream it over
    And over
    What are you going to dream?
    Is it what you might wear later?
    Is it about something that might happen in the future?
    That’s not a dream
    Is it how someone hurt you in a way?
    No you can move on from that
    Is it how everything is bad in the world?
    Are you dreaming of a scary movie?
    Please wake up
    It’s a nightmare
    Not a dream
    A dream is anything
    A dream leads to journeys
    A dream has adventure
    A dream is heroic
    A dream
    Is anything
    So what might you dream now?
    Is it love?
    Is it world peace?
    Are you saving the princess in the tower?
    Did you just defeat the dragon?
    Did you find your true love?
    Now that’s a dream
    Now retreat to that dream
    That you love to dream
    And dream it
    Over and over
    But don’t wake up
    Until you had enough of that