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Welcome to I Felt Hope: An Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale Fan Guild!
Gaia's first (And Best!) guild dedicated to Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale from Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.

The Role Play Subforum has recently been updated and improved. Now, there are more characters, and places to RP. So go and check it out.

Please do not donate directly to the guild's account. The only thing you can use that money for is to buy subforums so please donate to Alice Cullen126 so we can buy prizes or have prize money for contests and giveaways.

It costs 0 gold to join this guild. When Registering for this guild, mention some things about Twilight. Just basic things like how many times you've seen the book and things like that.

1.) NO being rude/mean/hurtful to others
2.) NO trash talking (Cursing and such)
3.) Keep things PG-13.
4.) Follow the T.O.S. (kind of obvious)
5.) Add the word "Sparkle" when registering to show you've read the rules.

Famouslastwords14 - Captain
Caught In The Sun - Vice Captain
Alice Cullen126 - Mule