My name is Hirashio and I am the Captian of the Quill and Ink Guild. I want to first thank you all for reading this and for your interest (now matter how slight) in Quill and Ink.

Quill and Ink, the premier guild for advanced/intermediate/beginner fiction writers. If you are a serious writer looking to sharpen your literary skills, this may be the guild for you.

Quill and Ink's limited membership allows for up-close and personal critiquing and dialogue. We have a diverse membership spanning a variety of genres. Our members are dedicated, motivated, highly creative and passionate people. We offer critiques in a one-on-one setting that will help you shape and refine your craft. We also offer something that other guilds cannot, a strong and vibrant community. We encourage the development of real and lasting relationships. Quill and Ink is a community whose members are a source of strength and support. It is a place to share your joys and sorrows, successes and failures, a place to draw inspiration from while inspiring others. In short, Quill and Ink emphasizes not just the technical aspect of writing, but the human side as well.

With sub forums dedicated to Novels, Short Stories, Poetry and more, each member is given the chance to post their works no matter the genre or length. With the addition of other sub forums like the welcome forum and general nonsense forum, members are feel welcome and at home and not confined to just posting and critiquing. We offer more then critiques and friendship, we have awards, polls, votes, and more that make the guild feel more of what it should be a democracy. You, the members, get to vote on serious events that determine the guild's strengths and weakness. You get to be part of the guild and not just a member.

If you're looking for fluffy-bunny critiques and ego stroking, please seek out another guilds. We offer our opinions and expertise in a sincere effort to help our members hone their skills. Active participation is absolutely required. Honesty, trust, respect and sincerity is what we can offer and what we demand in return.

Unfortunately, Quill and Ink is not a group for hobbyists. We strive to help those with a serious eye toward publication. We ask that applicants have a firm grasp on the rules of grammar as well as of fiction writing. Also, we are geared toward original works of fiction and as such, so no plagerism, or copy-catting.

We invite those who can make positive contributions to our community and those who can check their egos and the drama at the door, those willing to teach, to learn and those that share our vision and our passion.

Our Affiliates--

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-- A Newly Open Writer's Guild--

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-- For the Grammarian in you --

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--A Great Literary Guild--