Hello and welcome
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Here at Otaku, we accept all types of RPs. Whether they are as common as Naruto or Twilight to as unheard of as erm...Gothic Sports (It exists I looked it up check ff.net)
You can even create original RPs of your very own.
Whether it be a romantic vampire RP or a horror, we accept it there are no limits.

Of course as you know there are rules that must be followed once you create an RP you can establish additional rules but these still must be followed. or else...

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1. Follow the Gaia Online Rules
We here at Otaku believe firmly in upholding the Gaia Online TOS. It’s the best and easiest way to make sure the guild stays open. This means

<>Keep it PG-13
Gaia is a place for RP fans of all ages to come together and interact in a safe 4 environment. Please realize that some content out there is not suitable for our younger members.

<>Watch your Language
Some are offended by vulgar language. While we understand that some swearing is for dramatic effect or is considered IC (in character), we do ask that you try to keep it to a minimum and try to refrain from using the ‘F’ word.

2. No Spamming
Frankly, it’s annoying. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. Keeps your ‘bumps’ to yourself.

3. Literacy is a Must
Now we’re not saying you need to be a Grammar God, typos happen. If you have problems spelling, keep a dictionary handy. Also, please read over you're posts for mistakes before you submit. Illegible posts only reflect poorly on you…the rest of us are laughing…

4. PLEASE! No god moding
God moding-Definition- A seemingly perfect character, that is invincible and can never be wounded or in a fight always bounces back with some made up power it did not have in it's discription, and can defy the laws of nature within that particular world...it's annoying so please don't do it.

5. Most importantly of all, have fun. This is just a chance to let out your creative side and have fun. Enjoy yourself but do it within our rule boundries.

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To be honest I need the money to create enough subforum to house your creative spirit. I will pay for most of it but it would be nice to have a tiny bit of help whenever.

if you scroll down you will see a little donate button. I'm not asking for much, you could even give me ten every little bit helps. It costs 2500 for a subforum but I'm sure we can do it.

ok hopefully i didn't for get anything...if your interested then join were all set.

when you sent in your request make sure to send me list favorite genres (Ex. Romance, comedy, horror) and/or favorite animes (Ex. Naruto...you get the idea), it makes my job eaiser.

ALSO!!! A new request for all new members that has been brought to my attention. I'm perfectly fine with beginners and amatures BUT! I have limits and a few terrible writers and Rpers who have no clue what they are doing feel the need to kill the RPs. SO! As a new rule I want in your request form, unless invited, just a small sample of what you are capable of.

I'll give a brief scenario and all I ask is for you as a new member to give me a response. Again it's ok if you are beginner I just want to know what you are capable of. Ok? Here we go...

"You just graduated from college and have just landed a full employment, well paid job that is in the midlle of nowhere (like Nebraska). You are moving into your newly built home which has a pungent oder to it. Upon searching the house you find a fresh corpse..."

Give me your reaction!