Fanfictions are written every day. However, once special day, a fanfiction called FaCe ThE StRaNgE by a Miss "DallyRotl" on DeviantArt was discovered. The fanfiction blended a unique character named Dally ("loosely based" off of the author, Edward Cullen (Twilight), Shadow (Sonic), and Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) and sent them all to Hogwarts (Harry Potter). The series continuing, adding even more random characters (Jack Skellington, Link from Legend of Zelda, and even themes from Animorphs).

From there, a massive fanbase was built. Today, TEFF (The Epic Failfiction Fanclub) is here to honor the memory of DallyRotl, whose account was permabanned after she threatened "fans" that she would find them and kill them.

If you're a fan of laughing at the terrible writing of young, aspiring "authors", this is the guild for you. )

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