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I wanted a guild that was about LIVING as a witch. This guild will hopefully grow and expand. I'd love to include a basic wicca and pagan path forum, as well as alternative, crunchy and attatchment parenting, green living, kitchen witching *recipes for more than just food, although food will be there wink *, gardening and herbology, gods and goddess (lore and experiences), tarot and other divination, ghosts and supernatural phenomenon, and anything else we can think of. I want it to be more than wicca101 and pagan discussion (although that is encouraged). I want to address LIVING as a witch on the hearth and home front, as well as on the astral plane and in everyday outside of the home life. Please join, and feel free to contribute.

Just a warning, I will not at all tolerate a troll, or anyone that has that stuck up attitude and shuts down the opinions of others. Information? Good, disagreement for the sake of being RIGHT? Not good. Some people have some very firm and specific paths, and I realize that these people will disagree with some people and their ideas. ONE POST in correction, written as an opinion and not a fact, is enough. Many witches (or general pagans) are new to their path, OR are ecclectic and simply beg to differ, and have every right to live their path as they choose, regardless of what you know, or think you know, about the TRUTH (religion, what a mess! lol).