Gaia's Guild of Critics
Tired of those "n00bs" wasting your time and energy in the arenas? Then join this guild and, although we cannot end it (sadly), we can discourage those noobs and hopefully make them see the light. *triumphant music plays here*

How we pick the best of critics
When you apply to join, please give us at least 10 links to your comments in the arena. A moderator(s) and I will review your criticism and see if you meet the following standards
a) Well-rounded in opinions and comments. Meaning that you are NOT biased. (excluding the noobs who ask for it)
b) Gives ratings in comments and reason for such ratings (excluding the noobs who ask for it)
When we invite you, that means we have seen your work in the arenas and approve of it. Also means you have met the standards.
After you are in the guild, don't think your job is over. Every month, to make sure that you are still keeping up your good work, send in at least 2 links to Sakokuruto (captain) of your comments/criticism. It is important that you continue to give out criticism and help new critics become more open-minded.

Guild's Top Critics
1. Jagada
2. UmbralX

Join Requests will be checked daily by the Captain.
Hmm...I don't know how to post the banner code on here. PM me if you do.