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Furry and Avi Art Shop!
This guild was created for all those who are the friends and family of a furry, or are a furry themselves and need a supportive community to embrace them. If you like to have fun and chat or roleplay about being a furry, this is the place for you.

This guild is just starting out, so be patient. I'll add more shortly. If you'd like to submit an offer to draw the guild logo, please PM me and we can work out the price there. If you would like to make a donation to the guild, please do so.

We are still growing, slowly but surely, so have patience and help us by spreading the news about this guild and tell all of your friends to join!

DON'T WORRY ABOUT REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN! Everyone is free to join, just don't judge us for being furries. You don't like us? Then, don't join! If you like us or you are one of us, you should join this guild! Be sure to read the rules at the bottom of this page first!

You can chat or roleplay. But, this guild does have a few rules that my vice captain and I would like you to follow. Please read them before you join and follow them:


You can chat or roleplay. But, this guild does have a few rules that my vice captain and I would like you to follow:

1. If you are not a furry, you are still welcomed here. But, if I see any mistreatment of furry's or hear about it, I will ban/remove you from this guild forever!


2. Fallow Gaia TOS (Terms of Service)!

3. Fallow these rules for this guild.


4. Do not leave threads/topics unattended for more than two weeks.


5. Respect all races/breeds. Respect relationships (no trying to cause trouble between mated pairs or break them up). If you know for certain a member has a mate/wife, mate/husband or partner, do not try to flirt/seduce him/her. The point is: don't take what is not your's! I will ban/remove you. This goes for me and my mate/husband as well.

6. A crew member is below myself and vice captain, but I still give them the right to report you to me if you break any of these rules, the chatterbox rules, or Gaia TOS.


7. Do not post pictures of yourself, not even links to them. Do not post hentai/porn/yiff or links to them. Pictures/images of, for example, a screenshot from your favorite anime are fine, so long as there is no adult content. Do not post links to your myspace, facebook, twitter, etc. I'll make an exception for DA as long as there is a purpose for posting a link to it (like an example of your art for the logo). But if some of your art contains adult content, DO NOT POST IT! Do not post oversized pictures!


8. Do Not create an official RP thread unless you add to your rules "follow this guild's rules, this rp's rules, and Gaia TOS". If your rp follows the rules of this guild, your rp rules, and Gaia's TOS, there should be no problem with it. If your rp or thread is inactive for more than 14 days, I will delete it. If you can give me a reason why it is inactive, I will not delete it. Unofficial RP's may only be FreeStyle (see Chishio's rp for an example). Crew members are not allowed to give you permission to start one, but they are allowed to give you advice.


9. I will only promote you to a crew member if I feel that you are active enough, responsible enough to handle the authority, and fair to other members. If you are an inactive member (meaning that you don't post anywhere in the guild for a long period of time or you never have) you're automatically an unqualified candidate for crew. My limit for the number of crew members is 4 (four crew members max).

10. DO NOT USE THIS GUILD FOR ADVERTISING!!! I don't care what it is. If it has nothing to do with this Guild (even if it is furry or anthro), DO NOT POST IT HERE! This is a guild, not a billboard or a newspaper. Do it outside of this guild!

I will add more rules as I think of them. Though i doubt there will be much more than this. Maybe one or two more. I want to keep this simple and as easy-going as possible.