Roleplaying Paradise

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You find yourself meandering a way through the mazes of the GGN- that's the Gaia Guild Network. So many different guilds await, names posted upon the doors. Some are quiet, while some seem to be bursting with the sounds of active posters. Some seem to have shouting sounds- no doubt the sounds of upset moderators- while some have been left open due to vacancy. So many guilds to choose from, but only one guild that you hope will capture your attention.

There it is. Right there. The sign next to the door (rather than on the door) says that it is the Roleplaying Paradise. The door has been left wide open. As you peek inside, you see a small circle of chairs with people talking quietly amongst one another. Some are sitting on the ground, despite the empty chairs available. Just the look on their faces seems relaxing.

Slowly, you take a step inside and take a look at the words that have been placed in a golden frame. The words, it seems, are the ones that should be placed outside of the door for everyone to see- not just those who come in. Then again, this guild is a strange one compared to all others.

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The Roleplaying Paradise is a guild based, as you guessed, solely on the aspects of roleplaying. However, if you are not interested in roleplaying, you will readily be accepted anyway. There is a Main Lobby- in which much of the general chats take place. There is a place for the Roaming Roleplayers, where you may roleplay anything that your heart so desires. Anyone is welcome, as you can clearly see.

1. Gaian ToS and R&G apply althroughout the guild. This is the most important rule of all. (Terms of Servies, Rules and Guidelines)
2. Please avoid arguments at all costs. Animosity can be expressed in other places, but not through the guild forums.
3. Obey the captains and crew just as you should obey the TOS.
4. Roleplayers; the standard rules that you see in every roleplay board apply here. No godmoding, no perfect characters, use quotes, and the works.

Yes, I felt that there were needs to reward people for being active with the guild and for donating to the guild. This is an overview of what can and will be given to certain people. Do keep in mind that I will also give out promotions if I believe I can trust you.

50 Posts : 50 Gold
150 Posts : 150 Gold
300 Posts : 350 Gold
500 Posts : 600 Gold
700 Posts : 800 Gold
1,000 Posts : 1,000 Gold
( Rewards still given out after this point. )