Welcome to the New Circle!
Of course, entry is free! Primarily, this'll be for roleplaying. It's a literate guild...that means you write in the RP's like you would write a book. There are some rules. I'm not too strict, though. Just don't be an a**, and we'll all get along just fine! There'll eventually be a forum for everything here! When I can secure the funds, that is. Anyways...I'm a big fan of the Legacy of Kain...so I'll be using the Nosgothic mythos as a theme for the names and such. Be patient with me...I haven't got much gold or time to devote to gaining it...so progress might be slow. I won't ask for donations...but they are more than welcome, if you're feelin' generous!
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Also, there is no such thing as "froggy goodness." Attempting to prove otherwise will have you branded for a troll.

Guild Affiliates
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