
Are you tired of sifting through roleplays with idiotic people, trying to find a decent person to role play with? I just may have the guild for you.

Zenryuko's got a mission; start inviting literate people into a guild, providing several things.
1) A growing list of role players worth their salt.
2) A location for players to create RPs that is drastically less spammy and hecktic than the Barton Town forum.
3) Interesting and intelligent people to talk to as well as play with!


Without a reference
~ Send a PM to Zenryuko with the subject line "I WANT TO BE SHAMELESS."
~ ALSO submit a join request.
~ Zen will proceed to RP with you for a few posts; depending on the quality of the progress, you will either be accepted or denied.

With a reference
~ You will need someone to vouch for you. The person that is already a member will post in the invitation forum listing your username, provided they think you make the cut.
~ You will receive a guild invitation sometime in the near future, and it's simple to accept from there!