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[Bringing J-Rock goodness to Gaia for over a year.]

Somehow, you've managed to stumble across the Visual Kei and General J-Rock Loft! How lucky for you! Inside, you'll find all types of things dealing with Visual Kei and J-Rock, and many friendly fans who would love to chat and share things with you. ^-^

The Story Behind the Legend
Long before this guild... Vampi created a J-Rock thread at the Second Gaia Ball, hoping to pass the time with some fellow J-fans. She had so much fun there that when the Ball was over, she made another thread, called "Vampi's Visual Kei + General J-Rock Loft", and invited the people she had met there to that thread. Over time, some people came to be regulars to the Loft, getting to know each other and becoming good friends. One day, they started thinking about making a guild dedicated to their fandom of choice. It wouldn't be a big guild, but the people there would all be really close, and that's what mattered most. So there you have it... and here we are!

Words/Phrases You Should Know
I'm hoping that 99% of the people who come here will know this stuff, but here it is just in case...

J-Rock: Japanese Rock music.
Visual Kei: Literally, "Visual Style". Term used to describe bands who focus on image/costumes, such as Malice Mizer.
Angura Kei: Literally, "Underground Style". Term used to describe bands who have generally darker themes and a distinct traditional Japanese style, such as Inugami Circus-dan.
Oshare Kei: Literally, "Fashion-conscious Style". Term used to describe bands with a cute and colorful fashion style whose sound usually matches the visual, such as Psycho le Cemu.
Eroguro: Short for "erotic and grotesque". Term used to describe bands whose themes are centered in shocking horror and bizarre sexual imagery with dark humorous overtones, such as Caliā‰ Gari.
Indies: A band that isn't on a major label.
PV: Promotional/Performance Video.
CM: Commercial.
FC: Fanclub.
Engrish: A cross between Japanese and English, like "Sankyuu" for "Thank You"; Also refers to a form of English characterized by bad translation from Japanese by someone who is decent at translating vocabulary but has a poor grasp of English grammar ("All your base are belong to us" wink .
"Foocha": Kyo's engrish for the word &********; ("The Domestic ******** Family" by Dir en grey).
Yaoi: Acronym for "Yami nashi, Ochi nashi, Imi nashi", meaning "No peak, no point, no meaning". Refers to male/male sex.
Seme: From the Japanese word "semeru", meaning "to attack". Refers to the dominant partner (or top) in a yaoi pairing.
Uke: From the Japanese word "ukeru", meaning "to receive". Refers to the submissive partner (or bottom) in a yaoi pairing.
Shounen-Ai: Japanese for "Boy's Love". Refers to male/male relationships with little to no sex.

You may be asking, "What does yaoi have to do with J-Rock?" right about now. This brings us to our next definition...

Fanservice: Whenever two or more famous people engage in any action which could be perceived as sexual in nature just to stand out or please (excite, shock, etc.) their fans. Many bandmembers have been known to kiss, lick, rub, and hump against other bandmembers while performing or while in public.

Last, but not least, here's a fun one.

Visual Shock: A state of listlessness and/or extreme fandom brought about by an overexposure to Visual Kei and J-Rock. May include daydreaming, excessive fandom, and playing one song repeatedly.

In closing... just have fun! Follow the rules and Gaia's ToS, and we'll get along great.