

All Donation Will Go Here DONATION HERE Not to the Guild.

          This guild is basically those who love rigs and watching/opening them. Joining this guild will give you faster response to rigs opening (I hope) but it will also help those to get free items/gold. Not only is this a rig guild but it is also a Charity guild which will help people get free items/gold. Atm I am working on that but if so this guild will help many poor gaians and those on quests. I hope this guild may help you c:


          This is the Rig stream community where all Rig Openers/Streamer are welcome to open it here. Everyone is welcome to join and will always (almost) get constant rig opening chance you get. Chances are some Host will be doing contests or giveaway (If they are in the mood). Host will only open to guild mates. We have monthly games, contest, and many fun things planed by our crew and higher ups. :3


          For every anniversary Sinyuki will do a large Giveaway event! She will give out huge huge prizes!

          Once a month Swag Anti Hero will host a 7 days rigs ALL 100 PACK and HE WILL GIVE OUT ITEMS *omg* That will be our monthly celebration :3

          Host Requirement:

              You must open as least a pack not singles unless the singles are over 25.
              If you are host you can only be inactive from opening rigs for a month (To those that stream on 100 packs, 3 and 2 days weeks on 50 pack, 3 week for 40pack, 2 week for 20pack, and week for 7 packs.) After that and you cannot continue streaming please pm me and I have to make you member (Watcher Rank). If you can open once for every few weeks-months, pm me and I'll make you temp Crew (Host rank)
              If you are streaming please pm me, send announcement and/or make topic in guild.
              If not enough in guild joined you may use public.
              Must add Erection Affection (Guild Master) And All Vice.
              If you are doing a giveaway or a contest please explain the rules, winning requirement, or any type of rules in topic or announcement first. you may say it again in Join me or any recording program you may use.
              If you are making a list as recorded winnings or winners make it on ONE topic in guild.
              Will add more rules soon or as I see fit.


              Be polite to everyone.
              Be polite to all the hosts.
              Do not beg.
              You may not seize control of the join me unless Host let you. If they said no it's a no.
              *Will add more soon*

          Host Rules:

              Be Kind
              Don't take too long so other host may have watchers also.
              If you are doing another rig after finishing the one you had please pm me and tell people you are opening another.
              In guild you are still treated the same but with a little better privilege
              *Will add more soon*

          Need aeditor, and artists.

          Editor is someone who will edit the post *Or the guild homepage desc to make it look good*

          Artist is people who will design us guild banners and sig.


          The Soulless Puppet, animefrak1

          Also looking for other Join-me rig openers. Those that open rigs a lot are welcome to partner with us.

          Number of time Host as started.

          Harry is life [ 1 ]
          Rue. akugo [ 1 ]
          Charming LoveBird [ 1 ]
          There was more but forgot to list LOL