
This Guild is dedicated to Anthropomorphic Role Playing Games like :

Usagi Yojimbo

This List might grow along the way.

Ofcourse you don't need to only talk about Anthro's and RPG's. The General Forums is open to all subjects, as long as it's within the rules.


What makes this guild different from others?
Well, I can not tell a lie. This guild might be just like anyother for you, or it might just be the one and only for you, depending on taste.

Why is the Entry Fee so high?
As you might or might not know, building sub-forums costs money.
The Entry Fee money goes into the Guild Account and can't be used by anyone other then me and only for the guild and nothing else.
And this Guild already costed me a tail.

Any Rules?
Gaia's Rules are Our Rules!

Any Special Rules?
As Hard as it might be for some people, use you common sence on this forum.

What do I need to do to join?
Just tell me a little about yourself and what you experiance is with Role Play and Anthro's. And maybe some other interesting things that might be usefull. I like to read. smile

You can always sent me a PM if you have a question.