Hello and welcome to the greatest kuroshitsuji guild on Gaia!
Actually, I'm not one to make claims to fame, so I have to say this guild isn't the best thing ever. But with your help, I'm sure it'll become awesome in no time!

This is a guild for Kuroshitsuji fans to hang out and do random stuff, such as RP, discuss Kuroshitsuji, or just say random things for the heck of it. smile

1. You must be a Kuroshitsuji fan.
2. Please be literate. Be nice to us all and use real grammar.
3. Keep it PG13. This includes yaoi, swearing, and all that stuff. If you break the ToS, you run the risk of getting our guild in trouble, so please let's not do that.
There's also a little something called "moderation" that we should all think about when using curse words.
4. Have fun. biggrin We're all about fun here.
5. Be nice to your fellow members, please.
6. POST OFTEN! I cannot stress this enough. I've had too many guilds die on me to not understand how important all you members posting is! If you do not post within a certain amount of time, you will be given a warning and then banned. Please, please, help keep this guild alive.
7. Another rule I've been forced to add since creating this guild is BE NICE TO THE GUILD CAPTAIN. I made this guild, so being rude and/or calling me a weeabo will accomplish nothing other than making me mad and getting yourself banned. I started this guild so that all the Kuroshitsuji fans could have an organized place to spazz out and have fun doing whatever they want, whether it be roleplaying, fangirling over Sebastian, showing off cosplays, or whatever. You guys are allowed to start whatever forums you want in this guild (as long as they're related to Kuroshitsuji. If they're random you can post them in the chatterbox subforum.) It's totally up to you guys, but please, show me some respect. That doesn't mean you have to suck up or even agree with me all the time. I'm just sick of all the complaining.
8. Follow the rules (duh).

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