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Welcome To The FlameBringer Knights Guild!

The FlameBringer Knights Guild is mostly a Game and anime based guild with many other things involved within it's walls from stories to poetry and some role playing events are held within the guilds honorable halls the Current captain which is myself is very accepting of people who are like himself Anime Gaming fans anyone looking to join a guild made up of Gaming and anime based people are welcome there are elemental orders within the guild where you can rise in rank through posts or activeness the orders are based from a game known as suikoden So behold my Lovely realm of magic and Mystify your mind with it's wonders when you join. Keep all topics to the point of the topic no sudden changes or spam please and thank you no bumping or begging for gold keep that in the Charity section.

Guild Rules/Guide Lines

1 No fighting (unless setting up a test move)
2 No bragging (No one cares for that, since there's no need for it among friends)
3 If you have an opinion, that's nice, but never, EVER say to someone to just "throw" away their ideas and characters, let alone hint at it because it doesn't match your plot, storyline, or whatever.
4 Keep all OOC conversation seperate from IC.
5 I encourage the development of this World with RP Inns/RP Stores/RP Taverns/RP Houses/RP Farms, but keep them in their respected areas, please.
6 Use of NPC pictures are allowed, in fact, encouraged! (NPC's include using TekTek or VG sprites).
7 Please do not join and never post.
8 Let me know when you will be gone for more then three days.
9 For the love of God, don't piss off the Admins/Mods.
10 Last of all please for the love of god keep these RPs alive.

Please Obey the Above rules and the ones in the Guild as well Or You Will face The Consequences... The Captain And Vice Captain are God Here Belive it Or Face The Ban Hammer!

Thank you for joining please donate if you want or can....

This Guilds Orders Are Based from a game Known As Suikoden.

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