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Want do be a manga-ka? Want to draw manga? Already know how to draw manga style but need some new tips and ideas? Or are you a good teacher and want to spread your knowledge? Can't draw? That's fine too - writers are welcome here as well!
Or do you simply enjoy reading manga and want to chat with other manga fans?

This is your guild.

When requesting to join please fill out the following:

Why do you want to join?
Why we should allow you to join?
Sample of artwork is optional, but preferred.

Note: Please do not use code when requesting to join. BB and HTML coding does not show up and it creates a lot of computer lingo that we have to filter through. If it's too hard to read we'll have to decline your request, and you may try again.

Remember that this is first and foremost an art guild and is dedicated to art. Although without readers we wouldn't be allowed to do what we love to do - draw. There are sections devoted to our most loyal manga enthusiasts, but all in all we are still an art guild and you must keep that in mind.

Front page is still under construction ^_~.

Please Do Not donate to the guild bank. If you would like to donate please send your donations to our guild mule, TOM_Domain.
We do need donations to run guild events, but if you donate directly to the guild it is wasted money because I cannot access it. So remember, donate to TOM_Domain if you wish to donate.
heart Thanks!