A couple of months ago - if even that - I made a sore choice on selling my crimson marionette and my auto-complete reduced the price of the item I was selling by well, millions. I went from an item worth of about 30mill to 5 mill in less than a couple of seconds. All of the wealth that I have had was earned over the period of years -since 03 - that I have played Gaia. I'm honestly not very handy at vending or working out the market to my advantage.
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This is my handy work, if you'll look at the crimson marionette. I know. Stupid mistake. redface

Since I've made this mistake, I've tried multiple ways to regain the lost millions that took so long to acquire, and have come to a stalemate with the market and my limited funds.
So, I ask for tips/help from anyone willing to give it. I am not begging for gold. I just really would appreciate some sort of help from anyone who knows how to earn the gold back. emotion_yatta