General Guidelines

Everything inside the GGN must comply with Gaia's TOS.
Things such as cyber, abuse, racial slurs, hentai, porn, etc.. that are disallowed by Gaia's TOS are not allowed in the GGN just as they're not allowed in the rest of Gaia's forums.

Report things to Guild Crew and Captains first
In the GGN, the guild Captain and their crew are charged with keeping order in their guild. Most violations should be reported to and dealt with by them. Moderators are usually only needed in the case of Captains or Crew not acting to keep guild members in line or being the ones who are breaking the rules themselves.

Spamming GGN Advertising or Invitations is not allowed
At the moment, the only acceptable ways to advertise a GGN guild is either by placing a link in your signature, or posting in the chatterbox forum. Or if you really want to, you could buy a user ad to be displayed on the main forum page. Other methods may become available in the future. Sending invitations to users you meet or know of in the forums is fine, but massively spamming random Gaians you don't know with numerous guild invitations should be avoided.