Hello. I'm new to these forums, but i thought i could get some insight from the people here.

I'm going to restart to make a RPG Campaign with some friends. We used to play a lot and thinking of moving our storyline foward, i decided to make a previous long-time friend of the group their new

First. let me explain the Character.

The Setting is in Blizzard's World of Warcraft universe. The Blood Elf named Veros Darkshadow has been of huge importance before, being both a Bad a** as well comic relief time to time.
Veros is the son a very rich lineage, therefore he is a spoiled brat but with a good heart. He made some bad decisions in life when he decided to leave his nest behind to become an Adventurer just like his father was. Starting the campaign as a agile rogue, he soon found his place among the group when their home city was sieged by undead. He fought along side with them, and after a lot of events, he joined the crew permanently.
His weakness are very "on the face". He is spoiled and used to having everything in his way. He may be stubborn but never stupid and knows how to take orders, however he complaints when the crew have to sleep in the wilds when they can have warm beds in the inn.
My friends used to have a running gag about his sexuality because he is the very steriotype of a narcisistic, fragile elf, even if times to time he tried to hook up with attractive women and failing miserably (Because he is so full of himself).

And just like Loki in the Avengers movie, he have a tragic backstory. His father is actually a very powerful Anti-hero who turned to a villain known to one of the members of the crew. The crew discovered after some time that his father killed his mother when she tried to assassinate him to escape with a secret lover, and the crew decided to not tell that to Veros. One thing to understand is that Veros adores his father and thing he is a true Hero. He even became an adventurer to follow his father steps. That news would just wreck him to the point of insanity.
They fear what he might do if he discovers it.

And with that Background, i want to use the Loki-Formula to make this character more memorable. He already fits the gimmick, wich i'm very surprised since this was going on long before the Avengers released. Both have a tragic backstory, both are hasty and manipulative, both are bad asses in their own right and have their asses kicked to the point of cracking a few laughs.

I just don't know what ideology i'll explore to make this character turn to the dark side. My plans were to start this campaign with the crew having to chase his father, which right now is the head of a group of shady assassins in search for power. (Inspired in Ali baba and the Forty Thieves)
In the middle of the campaign, Veros will be invited by his father to finally adventure alongside him, explain his plans to his son and convincing him that he must tap to the power he seeks.
Veros would spent the rest of the Campaign trying to convince the heros to join the cause, blinded by his admiration for his father. Until, in the climax, his father would finally reveal his true intentions and shatter his ilusion.

That would turn Veros some kind of Nihilist, where a canon cult called the Twilight Hammer cult and try to bring the end of the world. And... there's where my doubts kick in. I don't know exactly how to explore this character futher. I want to keep him likeable, just like he was this whole time. And i want to know if this design choice is bad, if i should try something else, or having some outside ideas to how make this character more epic than he is.