You put in the channel number for Cartoon Network because you know they were having a Halloween special tonight. Weirdly though, the channel doesn't show, the screen is just black and there's a small buzz. You're about to get up to try and fix the tv, assuming its the trouble, but the screen flickers and turns to those bars of color and stuff. Guess the network is having the trouble.

But you don't turn the tv off. Instead, you find this weird urge to just... stay watching that humming colored screen. In fact, you're watching so intently, you don't bother to blink. Just staring and staring and staring... and staring... and... staring... and...

"We're all mad you know..." Looks like the television finally stole your soul the way mom always said it would.

Better luck next time, chum. Why Not go back to the start and try again?