So, I'll get it started....
Delivery, detonate, determine, destroy
(PS don't do too many; let others come up with them. And don't look in a dictionary!)
Here's a collection of all the words thus far to prevent too many duplicates!
dead (moose) deaden deadly deaf deal death debark debate debit deboned decaf Decepticon decholesterolization decibel decide deck declassified decompose decorate deep deer deferral defining definite definitely definition deforest defrost defy degenerate dehydration de-jibblies delicious delineate delivery Del Monte Del Taco delve demeanor demons demonstrate demystify denial denim dent(2) depression depth deregulation desalinization descramble descry design desktop desolation despair destiny(2) destroy detach determine detention Dethklok detonate detour detox detrimental deviation dew
(delicatessen delouise dennis dentist)
DELORTED!! (Dang, Coach Z!)