Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:04 pm
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:21 pm
Introduction Hi! I'm Sosiqui, and these are my Soquili! ... Um. I'm not sure what else to say. XD If you want RP with any of my Soquili, feel free to ask! Thread Directory:Page One- Tkoli Cedar Cricket Euterpe Ballestra Wyvern Flip Rapture Maracuja Ampheres Luan Qi Sheng Tiercel Tempest Page Two- Lady Skadi Kishijoten Azaes Kadish Tolesa Puck reservedPage Three+ Roleplay Logs The Herds:Marshrise: Tkoli (alpha), Euterpe, Maracuja, Cricket (exiled) Splicer: Rapture (alpha...?), Ampheres (protector/alpha-in-shadows), Flip, Islington (owned by Prolixity), Azaes, Eve (owned by Zero Dream) Unaffiliated: Ballestra, Wyvern, Luan Qi Sheng, Tiercel, Tempest, Lady Skadi, Kishijoten, Kadish Tolesa, Puck Relevant Links:Plot Thread: here! Current Quest Thread: (multiple) here! Former Quest Thread: (for Rapture) here. Plushies:
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:21 pm
Tkoli Name: Tkoli Gender: Female Breed: Wildlife - Okapi Personality: A clever and practical Soquili with a strong personality and a bit of a know-it-all attitude. Tkoli is genuinely bright and extremely perceptive, but she tends to try and dominate others with her knowledge and often steamrolls other Soquili with her insistence that she is right. Oftentimes her advice is good, but it may not be wanted by the targets. She's a bit controlling, but she has a good heart underneath the slightly prickly exterior. Tkoli is the leader of the tiny, impromptu 'herd' consisting of herself, Euterpe, and Maracuja. (Cricket was also part of their herd before she left on her journey with Ethan.) The three of them live around a meadow by the river that's a bit marshy, but it has a nice dry rise with trees nearby. Obtained By: First Soquili auction ever held! Orestae won her and gave her to me as a gift. heart First Soquili. Offspring: First breeding with Wayra: Cedar and Tristan. Opinions:Cricket - "Foolish creature! Why would you abandon everything you've known to follow a stranger...? I hope you're safe, even if you are stupid."Euterpe - "I swear, I'm going to tie you to a tree someday so that you'll learn how to hold still."Ethan - "Demon-creature... you'd better not hurt Cricket..."Maracuja - "He has a good head on his shoulders, despite Euterpe. I suppose that's a good thing."Roleplay Log: RP Color: brown
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:22 pm
Cedar Name: Cedar Gender: Female Breed: 2nd Generation Note: Cedar's RP/breeding rights belong to Quinny-chan. I have sig rights only. Obtained By: Breeding; child of my Tkoli and Quinny-chan's Wayra. Siblings: TristanOffspring: None.
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:22 pm
Cricket Name: Cricket Gender: Female Breed: 2nd Generation Personality: Cricket is a cheerful, friendly and social Soquili with no brain and very little sense of self-preservation. She's sweet, but rather ditzy and airheaded. She doesn't think about the consequences of her actions until they're staring her in the face, and tends to think with her emotions rather than with her brain. She frequently leaps before she looks, and possesses a turn of thought best described as 'Cricket-logic'. Still, Cricket has a kind heart, and she likes almost everyone she meets, even if they object. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and very stubborn when challenged if she believes strongly in something. Cricket especially likes springtime, pretty things, and flowers. Lots and lots of flowers. She sings badly and hums off-key, and is optimistic - sometimes to the point of stupidity. Obtained By: Gift from mistalina13. heart From a breeding of her Colonel and HYDKM!!'s Daisy. Siblings: Leilani and Eversti. Offspring: None. Opinions:Tkoli - "Why did you chase Ethan? He hasn't done anything to you! But I guess if you hadn't done that, I wouldn't be here... wherever that is."Euterpe - "I miss your singing. Kind of. Maybe. Not really."Ethan - "My best friend, and... maybe... maybe more... but I don't know. I want to stay with him, even though I'm scared..."Maharet - "So shy, but cute! I hope she tells me what the rainbow tastes like someday!"Unknown Mare (Hunter Brown) - "Jealous... that hurt. I know you weren't trying to, whoever you were, but it did."Diogenes - "He was so cruel, even though he's Ethan's brother! ... but Ethan's different. He has to be. Doesn't he...?"Roleplay Log: RP Color: darkgreen
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:22 pm
Euterpe Name: Euterpe Gender: Female Breed: 3rd Generation, Flutter Personality: Euterpe loves music and sound. LOVES them. The making of music and the proper harmony of sound is her obsession and her life. She makes every journey into a performance. She can be more than a bit obnoxious about this, but Euterpe has a disarming and charming personality that tends to leave Soquili in her wake, ears ringing, wondering what on earth just happened. Obtained By: Gift co-ownership from Kamiki. heart From a breeding of her/Sabin's Nymph and Amirynth's Cadence. Siblings: BethariOffspring: None. Opinions:Tkoli - Cricket - Raphe - Maracuja - Roleplay Log:RP Color: #937EC7
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:05 pm
Wyvern Name: Wyvern Gender: Male Breed: Drow Kalona Personality: Wyvern is cranky, sarcastic, and overconfident. He wants everything to go his way - fortunately (for him, anyway) due to his fierce nature, a lot of things do go his way. This is mostly because he picks on those weaker and smaller than he is, but he takes his victories where he can find them. Wyvern is superior, cruel, and self-assured, but he shies away from conflict with those he deems stronger than he is (though he'd never admit that assessment to anyone else). He enjoys the presence of power and likes hanging around Kalona that he feels embody the height of the Kalona breed; he is inclined to offer his service to such domineering personalities, in awe of the perfection they represent. Wyvern is surprisingly small for a Soquili, let alone a Kalona; he's about two-thirds the size of a typical Soquili stallion. He does not like having this fact mentioned, and is extremely touchy about his stature. He prefers to cut others to ribbons with his words before using physical means of attack. Obtained By: Gift from Youkochylde, Wyvern's previous owner; he left Gaia and decided to put Wyvern in my care. heart Offspring: None. Roleplay Log: None yet!
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:05 pm
Ballestra Name: Ballestra Gender: Male Breed: Akhal-Tekhe Uni Personality: Ballestra has grown into a thoughtful and measured stallion. He holds himself aloof from most interactions, speaking and assisting others in a polite yet reserved fashion. He does not drop this facade until he deems the other has earned his trust. Underneath, Ballestra is a free spirit, and enjoys challenges. Despite his aloofness, he is generally friendly, with a competitive nature that he enjoys indulging when circumstances warrant. Obtained By: Gift from Youkochylde, Ballestra's previous owner; he left Gaia and decided to put Ballestra in my care. heart Offspring: None. Roleplay Log: Aftermath with Cricket and Ethan (in progress)
RP Color: saddlebrown
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:05 pm
Flip Name: Flip Gender: Male Breed: Crack. Personality: Thoughtful and extremely perceptive, Flip takes life as it comes. He has a careful, laid-back approach to everything, and tends to think long and hard about the possibilities before making an important move. He often recognizes things that others might miss, and may consider things in different ways than one would expect. Sometimes this can be disconcerting, but Flip has a thoughtful heart behind his deliberate actions. He has taken the strange mare Rapture under his wing, originally to protect her from herself, and the two of them have developed an unusual relationship. Flip actually doesn't love Rapture in a traditionally 'romantic' sense, but he is worried about her, and cares deeply for her. He mated with her hoping that children would ground her, but that plan seems to have failed. Still, he regards it as his duty to protect her, and he will not abandon her no matter how strange things get. Obtained By: Gift from Nerpin and Ves. <33 Child of Nerpin's Jack-B-Nimble and Ves' Peryton. Siblings: Older Sibs: Tallulah Kaimi, Unnamed, SvetlanaBasket-Mates: Tess, AberrationYounger Sibs: Teo, Syncopation, Ujala NukaOffspring: First breeding with Rapture: Islington and AmpheresSecond breeding with Rapture: Azaes and EveOpinions:Jack-B-Nimble - "My father - I hope I can lead my family as well as you do yours."Rapture - "My strange companion... I am duty-bound to protect you, who is lost in the world. I only hope I have done you more good than harm."Ampheres - "My son, your dream is... interesting, to say the least. I hope you will consider the values and control I taught you as you continue your journey."Islington - "My son, I see the fire you keep hidden so well. Keep it close, but don't get burned."Azaes - "The madness burns deeper still in you... please, keep your mind free and don't fall astray!"Eve - "My daughter, under your silence runs a strange spirit. Are we all doomed to this taint?"Roleplay Log: RP Color: teal
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:05 pm
Rapture Name: Rapture Gender: Female Breed: Plasmid Personality: Rapture is hypnotized by dreams and aspirations that go far beyond what a simple horse is capable of... there is no way she'll ever achieve them. Period. No matter how she dreams, the Native American world will never match the deep-sea spires and neon of which she dreams. She is prone to hallucinations due to her unstable mind; she has issues with sleepwalking and waking dreams. While Rapture may be mentally unstable, she isn't violent, hostile or cruel. She remains quiet much of the time, and watches everything around her with a single-minded clinical intensity that's rather (unintentionally) creepy. If confronted, her first reaction would be to run, as she is rather shy until she's convinced that the Soquili talking with her is not going to ridicule her or hurt her. Rapture tends to keep to her own herd - she doesn't go anywhere alone anymore, and keeps either Flip or one of her sons at her side at all times. She and Flip are very close, and she sees him as a protector, guardian, and - in her rare moments of lucidity - a lover. Her thoughts become more clear when she is surrounded by those who understand her; she is most lucid around her complete family, her sons included. She is more likely to react well to those she feels will understand her aspirations and her strange appearance. Obtained By: endejester's April 2008 custom slots, proxy'd by Meepfur. heart Offspring: First breeding with Flip: Islington and AmpheresSecond breeding with Flip: Azaes and EveOpinions:Flip - "Mister Bubbles? I'll follow you... keep me safe?"Ampheres - "Right, right, yes. That is the way it should be. Such pretty lights."Islington - "Also right, yes, right again! You understand! Both of you!"Azaes - "Understand, know, keep close - light in deep water, yes?"Eve - "Quiet, quiet... silent like the empty ocean. Shh."Roleplay Log: RP Color: darkblue
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:06 pm
Maracujá Name: Maracujá Gender: Male Breed: Passion Flower / Wildlife Edition Personality: Earnest, warm, and genuine. Maracuja has a big heart, and he naturally wants to help others. He is friendly and polite, a true gentleman. Obtained By: Roleplaying contest prize during the Soquili Spring Event! Offspring: None Opinions:Tkoli - "Stepmother number one. She takes everything seriously. Maybe a little bit too seriously, but I feel safe with her around."Euterpe - "Stepmother number two. She, uh. She's... very... musical? Yes. Musical. Very."Maharet - "She's so cute... but so afraid! I feel bad for her. Maybe I can help her feel more confident, more safe?"Roleplay Log: RP Color: olivedrab
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:06 pm
Ampheres Name: Ampheres Gender: Male Breed: 3rd Generation Personality: Ampheres views the world in much the same way as his mother, Rapture - he shares her fever-dreams of a very different place, of lightning, neon, and deep water. However, unlike his mother, this young stallion possesses the sanity to understand that a.) the world is not like that and b.) he can't do much about it. This has infused Ampheres with what he sees as righteous frustration. He blames the world for not being how he wants it to be, and to a lesser extent, blames himself for not having the capacity to change the world to match what he and his mother both dream of. He keeps this frustration bottled up inside and tends to present a serene and controlled face to the world, but it's still there. He's distant when it comes to 'regular' Soquili for not 'measuring up' to the type of world he would rather exist. (Regular does not denote 'normal' in this case; it's any Soquili that doesn't fit into Ampheres' view of what a right world should contain. Which is most of them, really.) He will not initiate contact with anyone he deems 'unworthy', no matter what the circumstance. Ampheres is not violent - his father Flip raised him well, and gave him a firm sense of self-control. Even though he may be tempted, he will not injure another unless he's given a very good reason to do so. He also has strong respect for his family that is nigh-unbreakable. Ampheres' dream is to form a herd of Soquili of like minds and appearance, the 'different' ones. He views his mother Rapture as the harbinger of a new wave in Soquili evolution. Obtained By: Breeding - July 2008, merangue's Colorist Choice! <3 Offspring of my Rapture and Flip. Siblings: Islington; Azaes, EveOffspring: None. Opinions:Rapture - "Mother. The precious seed of our lineage, the bearer of our blood. You are our treasure."Flip - "Father. A noble soul. I respect him, even if I do not always agree with his assertions."Islington - "Brother. You understand me, I know you do."Roleplay Log: RP Color: darkgoldenrod
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:06 pm
Luan Qi Sheng Name: Luan Qi Sheng Gender: Male Breed: Celestial Kirin Personality: A calm, contemplative scholar of the heavens, Luan Qi Sheng is a nocturnal creature by trade. As an astronomer, he lives for the night, and can frequently be found upon mountains and high hills. He is a solitary creature, by and large, though he'll always be cordial if greeted with respect. It takes a lot to make him angry. He has a soft spot for foals and loves to talk to them and teach them about the stars; likewise, he'll eagerly embrace anyone who is truly willing to learn, provide they don't twist his knowledge to ill purposes. He has a constant ache in his neck from holding his head at odd angles for star-gazing all the time. Obtained By: Birthday gift. heart Offspring: None. Roleplay Log:
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:06 pm
Tiercel Name: Tiercel Gender: Male Breed: Wind / Cursed Hawk Skinwalker Alternate Certs: Pre-Curse Wind - Cursed Skinwalker - Hawk ShapePersonality: Tiercel is obsessive and a bit unhinged, rather a 'religious fanatic', if you will. He believes very, very strongly in a shamanistic totem being - a hawk. He worships this hawk spirit and, in the past, would do anything to draw close to it. His wings became injured and tattered from his wild attempts to fly daringly to try and impress the 'Princes of the Air' and earn their approval... or to catch them and punish them for their refusal to acknowledge his devotion. In the end, Tiercel willingly sought out a spirit-talker, a two-legger with (he believed) magical power and the ability to speak with the spirits and the animals. The spirit-talker was able to give Tiercel the thing he wanted so much... the body of a hawk. He spends most of his time in hawk-shape and only reverts to Soquili when he absolutely has to, for various reasons. Sometimes, when he reverts, he isn't aware of it and continues to act like a hawk even though he is in stallion shape. Tiercel is mad, but he respects the skies if nothing else... provided he's in the right sort of mood. His predatory nature is actually somewhat tempered by his pseudo-'religious' devotion, and just as a hawk wouldn't go after something too large for it to handle, Tiercel will choose his targets wisely. It's not unheard of for him to go after Usdia or foals, though... Obtained By: Custom bribe. Offspring: None. Roleplay Log: None yet!
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:07 pm
Tempest Name: Tempest Gender: Male Breed: Unknown (believes self to be 50% Kalona, 50% Wind; is actually 50% Wind, 25% Kalona, and 25% Normal) Mate: Akahi None. Personality: Tempest is a conflicted soul. He was raised as a Kalona by his tyrannical and inflexible father, in a rag-tag herd that was utterly dominated by his father's harsh and demanding rule. Even though Tempest was a half-breed, son of a Wind Soquili that his father had bred with to try and introduce wings into his lineage, his father still expected certain things from him - things Tempest had been hard-put to deliver. He was raised as if he were a full Kalona, as a meat-eater, a destroyer, death on wings. And yet, while Tempest possesses that cold, hard core of Kalona ferocity within his heart - an irrevocable part of his nature - the domineering rule of his father pushed Tempest beyond what he could bear. Falling in love with Akahi - a normal Soquili - was his ultimate act of rebellion, and his own excuse to leave his father's herd. Tempest could do for her what he could never bring himself to do for himself. But when the first flush of their success had worn off, Tempest found himself captive to a terrible fear. That feral core, the hunger he felt almost all the time - she knew what he was. She loved him anyway. But he had nightmares about finding her body shredded, her blood staining his hooves, her meat warm in his belly. He was terrified of losing control.... And then he entered a dark forest one day, and heard a voice. He made a pact with Mephistopheles, the forest demon, in exchange for nullifying that hunger. When he returned, he found Akahi was pregnant... and when the foals were born, he realized with creeping horror that they were not his. Overcome with shame at what he had done, Tempest fled, abandoning Akahi and the foals. This knowledge and guilt over his own actions eats at him daily, yet he cannot bring himself to seek Akahi out again. He is a loner, keeping to the shadows - and well away from forests. Obtained By: RP contest! Offspring: With Akahi - Diriel and Hrimfaxi...? (Actually the children of Mephistopheles, the Forest Demon.) With Charlotte: Cecilia, Puck, and Damien. Opinions:Akahi - "I... I'm so sorry... I miss you, I love you, and I can never see you again."Mephistopheles - "Demon... you destroyed everything that was good in my life, and left me with ashes. If I had the power, I would destroy you - yet all I have is fear."Roleplay Log: RP Color: slategray