Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:21 am
I renovated this thread on 3/17/16 and updated the one quest that I currently have! I used to have a witty intro here but I mean what else could this thread possible be for P:
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:23 am
.:Edited Regular Soquili:. Colorist wanted: Any Name of horse: Set'sul Owner: Capricorn Sunchai Gender: Male Temper: Relaxed Breed: Spirited Description: Black base, to start off- hooves should also stay black. Markings should be in a tribal-esque style in a violet color- swirls or random markings are fine; eyes should be the same color as the markings. His mane and tail should be black and streaked with thin lines of purple. See reference images for more details- nothing has to be exact, it's kind of open-ended as long as the colors are right. cx Reference image(s): Other pets, same idea: [x] [x] Which stage you want them to start as?: Adult Default accessory color(s)?: Silver/White Tag frame color: Something that matches. Tag feather color: Something that matches.
Hair/clothing edits: His forelock I would like like this and the main body of his mane should be likethis, mostly. It can be tweaked to make it easier or whatever; basically, longish mane with a forelock that covers his eyes. His tail can look somewhat like the standard 'short' style, but a little bit longer and styled to match his mane.
Both mane and tail can have a couple white feathers tied into it.
His fetlocks and underbelly should be long rather than the standard kind (somewhat like the Angeni style?).
base [450k] + edits [100k] = 550k.
Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:17 pm
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Wind/Kirin Body Build: Draft Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: original design WIP Needed? nope!!
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: He's based on an oc of mine which is a blue roan coloration (I have some refs to help!).... the body is a cool gray color that fades into black down all the legs. Face: Gray eyes, his face is mostly black except for a small white diamond-shaped marking on his forehead. Mane: 'Windblown' in black! Tail: The kirin tail tufts can be just black. Hooves/Fetlocks: I'd like the stock draft fetlocks on him! Reference Image(s): pet1 - pet2 - ref 1 - ref 2
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Depending on what you think looks better it can be either black or gray! Wings: the 'heron' style, which can be colored similarly to a mourning dove wing. Fins: - Scales: I'd like the alternate kirin lines, and black scales for the length of the back. Pelt: - Other Notes: I think I have everything... but please let me know if anything is unclear. ;v;
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: Plain double leg bands, in silver. I'd also like a tabard done in white as well; plain cloth with the cloth connecting band across the front. Custom Items: n/a Reference Image(s) for Items: n/a
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: n/a
— Angeni -- Desired Domain: n/a
-- Ulun'suti -- Element: n/a