Remember...on a human...the top of the ear usually meets the brow line...
but on and anime character...the eyes are usually bigger and the brows are farther up..yet the forehead should still be in sight....the top of the ear should meet the top of the eye on some drawings and some should be up over the brow...
extra hint: Chibi characters usually have massive heads and tiny bodies...and most of the time small ears...keep the ear size to a minimum if you can on a chibi but keep the eyes huge as well as the mouth
Start with a more square shape...then start adding rectangles on the tips where you want the fingers...*if your character has three fingers(2 main and 1 thumb) then make them fatter*...once the base of the hand and fingers are started, add about a halved rectangle compared to the first...then add a halved of that one to the tip...REMEMBER THAT THUMBS HAVE MOST OF THEIR BONE MASS IN THE MAIN HAND
so when you add the thumb, add a quarter circle from the connection of the index finger to the main hand and the half way point of the 2nd thumb part...
extra hint: the thumbs usually have the first two bones about equal length...and keep the connecting areas a little rounded off to maintain a human like appearence
The Official How to Draw Manga Guild
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