Well, I must start out by saying, I am SO sorry for not being on in forever. D: My life has been hectic these past few months and I haven't really been on gaia much at all lately. Well, I'm back! And I have updated pictures of all of my pets!First, I must start off with my beloved, and ever spoiled, male green iguana. Diamond will be turning 6 years old this September. <3
Next up is Bliss, my male normal Ball Python. He's yawning in the second picture but he's actually quite cuddly ^_^.
And my gravid female, Nyx. She's a whopping 7+ lbs on empty and almost 5 feet long.
biggrin This is her being caught doing the dirty with Bliss xD
And this is her when she ovulated(Aka became preggers
biggrin )
And last but not least, our male cat Sora. He thinks he's a lizard....
Tell me what you think!