I ******** love your style
neutral The
neutral confuses me. D:
Doyouhateme? ;-;
Zelk: Oh yeah, well. . . ********. I guess, about. . . 11 years ago you should have drawn like in Pokemon style, then copied a bunch of s**t from Marvel (really bad mind you), gone through some horrible weaboo animu phase in drawing, then get tired of that, meet some guy from Chile, then go "******** YOU I'M GOING TO DO SOME REALISTIC s**t" and see where that takes you. *shrug*
I think I've gone through every phase of drawing from animu, to classic cartooning, to just drawing landscapes and plants one year.
Frizz: Thankyou. :3 I'm really still enjoying the first one. I'm not so happy with the normal human size, the noses are too big to be mine but whatever. Overally I'm really happy and I'm going back on it little by little to make it better.