my big quest of all,
Total Value: 971,590 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
The Nightmare 7th Gen.Death Whisper (6th gen)Super PowersL33T GamerCheepzZombie's SoulBlue Phat SneakersBlack Checker PantsThe Lusty ScoundrelWind Security Blanketif u help me and ur the last person ill pay u half of meh gold.(I SWEAR) i might add an extra.plz plz plzp plz plz help meh and get gold if u want it,i bet u do.
twisted haha i bet u do.
rofl razz S dont call da cops
wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance like last time someone did so plz donate.plz plz