How many sides form a triangle?
3. Awesome.
How many sides form a hexagon?
6. Awesome.
Who is the president of the Brazilian Senate?
I'm not brazilian. Bad.
How many colors form the Brazilian flag?
4. Blue, Yellow, Green and White. Awesome.
How many Eiffel Towers are there in Paris?
1. Awesome.
In Latin America they speak Latin. True or False?
False. Awesome.
Star Wars is based on true events. True or False?
False, of course. Awesome.
How many kidneys do men have?
2. Awesome.
In what year did 9.11 (September, 11st) happen?
2006. Bad.
Who was the winner of the Vietnam war?
I really don't know. Bad.
How many World Wars did we have?
2, of course. Awesome.
How was called the first man who set his foot on the moon?
I'm bad at history. Bad.
Now you try it, without looking at the answers.
Brazilian Quiz
3. Awesome.
How many sides form a hexagon?
6. Awesome.
Who is the president of the Brazilian Senate?
I'm not brazilian. Bad.
How many colors form the Brazilian flag?
4. Blue, Yellow, Green and White. Awesome.
How many Eiffel Towers are there in Paris?
1. Awesome.
In Latin America they speak Latin. True or False?
False. Awesome.
Star Wars is based on true events. True or False?
False, of course. Awesome.
How many kidneys do men have?
2. Awesome.
In what year did 9.11 (September, 11st) happen?
2006. Bad.
Who was the winner of the Vietnam war?
I really don't know. Bad.
How many World Wars did we have?
2, of course. Awesome.
How was called the first man who set his foot on the moon?
I'm bad at history. Bad.
Now you try it, without looking at the answers.
Brazilian Quiz