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PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:26 pm
Title vs Title vs Title
Wages vs Nuke vs Marxx

Marxx no showed, but the match kept going!


Nuke went to send Wages off the ropes. Wages hit the rope and ducked and in coming clothes from Nuke. Nuke ran next to him hitting the ropes right after Wages did. Wages made it to the middle of the ring before Notices Nuke wasn't there. Wages turned and ducked and incoming boot from Nuke. Wages ran to the ropes and hit them as Nuke on the other side hit his respective ropes. They both came running at each other. Wages went for a Sensational Warlock! While Nuke went for a Fusion Cutter!! Some how they both hit other as the flew by each other. Maybe it was because Nuke turn in the air to get hit.

The ref started a ten count!


Nuke and Wages laid by each other not moving!


Wages started to move his arms trying to stand as Nuke did the same thing!


Wages and Nuke made it to a knee before both falling. First Wages then Nuke. The ref kept counting as each person was counted out!


This match is a Double Draw!!


"The Redeemer" Arives -- Promo

The image that has become synonymous with Christopher Cross debuting appears on the screen, that of a large silver cross against a black background. It stands for a few moments, before it spontaneously catches fire and simultaneously begins to crumble down to nothing but ash. When you think about it, that image makes absolutely no sense as Chris is a religious man, and with the Cross both symbolizing religion and himself, it would probably be best for it not to crumble and burn. Maybe in some ways it symbolizes occasional use of moves that would cause him to crash and burn if he were to miss them. The world may never know. What the world does know, however is that Cross is walking out onto the stage, and "Pride" by Soil is beginning to play, to the delight of the crowd, who shower him with cheers and adulation. Judging by the smile on his face, Chris is happy to see them as well. Then again, when is he unhappy to be in front of a great audience. He made a mental note to mention them in the upcoming promo he was about to give. He is sporting his usual in ring gear, aside from the white t-shirt adorning his torso, complete with his name and the same cross from the opening video. Some might think they were seeing double when their gaze drifted a bit higher, as there was that same cross again, though this one was a medallion worn around his neck. Cross takes a few steps forward down the ramp, before dropping to his knees and awaiting the unusually large pyro display that began happening behind him. Pyro here in the World Wrestling Federation Guild just seemed to burn brighter, it seemed. At the final blast he leapt up from his prayer position and to his feet, once again beginning to walk down the ramp towards the ring, though he was detoured several times, interacting with the fans as he went. When he finally made it to the ring, he hopped up onto the apron and looked out to the crowd, before throwing himself over the top rope and making his way over to the furthest turnbuckle. Cross quickly climbed said turnbuckle and performed the sign of the cross, which only helped to add to the roar of the crowd. He repeated this at the other three turnbuckles, before asking for a mic and getting just what he requested, then moving to the center of the ring and motioning for the fans to quiet down.

"Finally.... The Cross has come back to- Wait just a moment! I don't believe I've ever been here before, and I also don't believe that I am some kind of Rock rip-off. Always good to start with a joke."

The fans seemed to appreciate his attitude, as they popped at the right moment.

"Now, first, I'd just like to say that you really know how to welcome someone into the fold. I haven't felt this special upon a debut ever, and you should be proud of that!"

Another pause for the fans to give themselves a nice round of applause, so to speak, as nobody was clapping, just hooting and hollering.

"Now, on to business. The reason I came here to The World Wrestling Federation Guild. You all know what I'm about to say, as I'm sure you have the event circled, stamped and written in the most permanent of permanent markers on your calenders. January 17th, 2010, The Royal Rumble! I came here to win that match, and get a one-way ticket to Wrestlemania, a shot at The WWFG Title. Winning that title would mean more to me than holding the International Championship Wrestling, WWE: Evolution, Durem Championship Wrestling, Gaia Championship Wrestling, WWE: Unlimited, Jersey All-Pro Wrestling, and Extrem Entertainment Wrestling titles all at the same time. And I aim to do just that. My primary goal is to win that very title, and the best way I can see to do that would be to go into the Royal Rumble, January 17th on Pay-Per-View, and beat every other man, woman, shemale, and animal that enters. I don't care if I draw the last number, I don't care if I draw number one, I fully intend on outlasting everybody else and walking away with my ticket, just like Christina Parks did last go around. And do you know what she did with her shot? She went on and won the Undisputed title. And I wonder to myself, why not me? I'm young, talented, and hungry for this victory. That's what it takes to win. Determination, and I've got it shooting out of my ears. To prove to every single one of you that I'm serious, I'm going to be challenging the World Champion, and I will give it my all for you people. Win, lose, or draw, I will show you what rests deep within my heart and soul, I will show you why I'm such a hot prospect. I know I'm facing an uphill battle, you always are when you face a man of Harli's calibre, but that's where I thrive, when I have to fight the odds, when I have to show that I have what it takes to go as far as my opponent, and then push myself that much further. Thank you for listening to me go on and on about myself, and my goals. I promise you, no matter what happens, I will leave everything I have out here in the ring every night I come out here."

With that, Cross drops the mic and falls to the ground, rolling out of the ring, his music once again beginning to play over the PA system. Instead of just heading straight to the back, however, Chris begins to run around the ring, hitting the hands of every single fan he can see. Well, at least everyone who has their hand out. And whom he can reach, of course. He's certainly not going to bodysurf his way up to the rear of the arena, as that would take too long. Having made his lap, he now heads up the ramp, again trying to hit as many fans as possible, before making it to the ramp, and turning around to take a bow. He hoped he said all that he needed to say, though if he had missed something, he would have to let his actions tell the story inside the ring from here on out. Chris finally stops his interactions with the fans and pulls himself away long enough to get backstage as his music faded.

KJN vs Christina Parks III

KJN wins on the count of Christina Parks Car breaking down.

Mike Landry and Brody Introduction!

Don't you wanna go for a ride
Down to the other side
Feels so good you could cry
Now won't you do what I told you!?

"Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome, The Heartbreaker Mike Landry!"

Landry emerged from behind the curtain in a slick new suit with sunglasses to match. Mike stood ontop of the stage and scanned the audience with a scowl of dissaproval etched across his face. Landry adjusted his suit for a moment before beginning his march down the ramp towards the ring with microphone in hand.

I remember when you used to be shy
Hey once we were so fine you and I
Now why you gotta make it so hard on me!?
Yeah it's hard on me...
And i'm sorry but it's not a mistake
And i'm running but you're getting away!

Landry began marching down the ramp, not acknowledging the fans surrounding him in the building booing him and instead focused completely on the ring. He stepped up the steel steps and stepped between the ropes as slick as ever, standing firm in the middle of the ring for a moment as the audience greeted him with the same boos that have become custom with his arrival over the years. After a few moments passes he raised the mic up so he could get what he had to say off his chest.

"My name is Mike Landry. Through the years, you people have known me as an 'Innovator'...a 'Heartbreaker'...a 'Tag Team Specialist' as well as a "Multi Time World Champion." I have been called 'The Best', rightfully so. I have been called a 'Wife Beater' by my ignorant critics. I have been called 'The Next Shawn Michaels,' But here, in WWFG, I would have to say that of all my names that the most appropriate would be...'Overlooked.'"

Landry paused a moment before composing his thoughts properly and continueing.

"I came into this company for one reason, because it needed me. You people see me as a heartless, selfish, self important a*****e. But you don't see the charity and contributions I have made to this company out of the...well out of the pity I felt for them. I looked upon this company and I saw a complete lack of style, substance, talent, and most of all Me. So I signed for less than my usual asking price for a contract and spiced things up a bit. But now, what do I have to show for it? Nothing that's what. I've already defeated two of the top superstars that this company has to offer, and I still have no calls from management to reward me with a title shot. Can someone explain this to me? Can someone explain why a company would knowingly keep their top superstar down with the knowledge that my position in a main event slot would instantly give them the step up they need tobe considered a power company? Would you keep Kurt Angle down if he was in your company? Would you keep Triple H down if he worked for you? I don't think so! Someone explain this to me! I am not leaving this ring until someone comes out here and gives me a proper explaination for this company's NEGLAGENCE!"

"Let me hear the battle cry; Calling on the wind.
Let me see the banners fly; Before the storm begins.
Let me feel the spirits soar; Destroy the enemy.
Striking at the evil core; For all the world to see!"

No announced introduction was given as Brody Robinson stepped onto the steel stage, garbed in a simple black WWFG Shirt, blue jeans and black Converse. His facial expression was the exact opposite of Landry's towards the fans, a proud smile looking over the cheering masses. He waved his free hand at the fans, with a mic clutched in his other. He signaled for the sound crew to cut his music before lifting his own mic to his mouth. He began to speak, periodically looking around at the fans as he talked.

"Before I start into that wall of arrogance that was just thrown in all of our faces, I'll bet some of you are wondering exactly who I am. That's reall simple. My name is Brody Robinson. No nicknames. No strange insights into my home life. No comparing myself to a legend. But I'm not here to compare my self with some Whiny Loudmouth."

Brody stopped for a moment while he turned his head to look at Landry.

"I'm here to answer Mr Heartbreaker's little question. You ever think that you haven't gotten a title shot because, I don't know, you've only had two matches? If I were in charge of this place, I wouldn't go near you unless you've got at least a month resume goin' on. In fact, just because you came out here and complained about it, I'd send you straight back the bottom of the ladder. But alas, I'm not in charge. But they obviously haven't given you a title shot because you don't deserve one. They're saying 'Hey Mike, Do a little more to show you've got what it takes.' They're not going to give you a shot from two matches. And they definitely aren't going to give it because you asked so nicely. So how 'bout this: You go backstage, get in your ring gear, wait 'till your name's called, get another fight under your belt. Who knows? They might throw you a bone or something."

Brody lowered the mic and stepped off to the side of the entrance and held an arm toward the opening, mimicking a usher leading someone through a door.

Landry lowered his sunglasses slowly, stepping towards the ring ropes and leaning on the top rope. He examined Brody for a moment, wondering just who the hell was interrupting him.

"What we have here...is a failure to communicate. You see, I said that I'm not leaving this damn ring until I get a real answer. An answer from someone with actual power. You? You are nothing. You said it yourself, you have no monicker, no recognition, you don't even wear your own ring gear! You are a damn poster boy for WWFG: poor, pathetic, and unoriginal. You are a peon who doesn't deserve to share a segment on television with me."

Landry paused and lowered his microphone, a stupid smirk smeared across his face.

"So let me correct you Mr. Robinson. I'm not a nobody like yourself, i'm everything to this company! I'm a third generation superstar from the Graham Wrestling Family, i've been a Champion in every single organization i've ever worked for, and I have accomplished more in my first five years than you ever will in your entire life. So tell me rookie, just what exactly are you going to do if I don't get out of the ring? Are you going to come in here and knock me out? Because I don't think you can. Are you going to try and submit me? Because nobody can do that to me. Tell me boyo, tell me what the hell you are going to do. Come on kid, make me! Make me!"

Brody had crossed his arms at some point in the middle of Landry's tirade, and made no attempt to say anything until he was completely finished. Uncrossing his arms, he rubbed his chin for a moment, comtemplating his response, before lifting his mic once again.

"First point: This is my ring gear. The uniform of the masses. I don't need flashy tights or fine Italian suits. All those show are your ego, that you think your better than everyone else. I don't think I'm better than everyone else. Sure I'm up here, talking in front of thousands of people. And sure, by job is pretty prestigious. But does that make me any better than the guy up in the cheap seats? Or the guy in an easy chair at home? No. I'm just a man, and so are you. Your no better than me or anyone watching us talk."

He took a quick moment to breathe and recompose his thoughts before he started to talk again.

"So, for the sake of each and everyone of those people watching, I'm gonna shut you up before we have to listen to any more of your self-important praise."

With that, Brody dropped the mic and, as the feedback screeched through the speakers, be started down the ramp, ready to charge the ring.

Landry raised his eyebrows in disbelief, as if to call Brody's bluff. When Brody didn't back down and continued his advance he was slightly shocked, but not dissoriented. Landry removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, ready to take on Brody if he was foolish enough to climb inside the ring and hand the advantage to Mike on a silver platter.

Brody made no attempt to slow himself down as Mike removed his jacket. As soon as he reached the ring, Brody slid in and hopped to his feet. Dashing at Landry, Brody hoped to get him with a double leg takedown.

Landry had tried to double axe handle Brody as he slid in but he was swifter than anticipated, and he was taken down. Landry tried to keep one arm around Brody's neck while he brought down some forearm shots to his back.

Brody was unable to get his body out of the way fast enough, and Landry was able to get his arm around his neck. As Landry landed shots on his back, Brody resorted to striking on either side of Mike's body with his own fists. This was his kind of fight, and he knew what to do.

It essentially had turned into a street fight, both superstars hammering away from eachother. Eventually it got to the point where the referees and security was trying to seperate them.

Brody was pulled off of Landry by two security personell, and was picked up to his feet. After they pulled him a few feet away, he stopped fighting to get away, starting to calm down.

Landry wasn't done fighting, and kept shouting at Brody as he was pulled off by a few security guards of his own.

"You're nothing! Less than nothing! You worthless piece of trash!"

And with that he spat at Brody across the ring.

The security reacted quickly, holding Brody back before he was able to get past. He kept resisting them, not taking that disrespect lightly.

Landry smirked, seeing he was already in Brody's head he was satisfied with himself. He backed off, going limp and showing the security he meant no ill will. He slid out of the ring and walked calmly around, keeping eye contact with Brody the entire time as he began walking back up the ramp, security keeping a tight eye on both men.

Kodiak and The Pink Advenager vs Mardy and Claire Hawkins


Kodiak was on the top rope about to go for the Kodiak Pludge, but Hawkins hit the ropes having Kodiak fall, racking himself, and he landed on the apron. Kodiak then fell to the ground. Mardy stood up looking at the ref wondering why he was counting. The ref reached Nine when she saw Kodiak starting to get up on the outside of the ring. Ten!

The winners Mardy and Claire!


One bad decision, leads to another....Part 1

Kody is looking down at piece of computer paper with a house that looks like a five year draw with a box of crayons. Written above the house with a red arrow pointing down toward the house; ‘This House’. “Note to self,” mumbles Kody as he scratched his head, “Never ask Mardy for directions.”

He slowly moves the paper down from his face to look up to what seems like thousands house today and it appears to be the same color of crayon, but she didn’t draw a giant metal fence in front of the joint and the fact that there is sign that read ‘Don’t fear the dog, fear the gun’. “Well let’s see if anyone is home,” says Kody walking up to the intercom.

Before Kody could press the button a voice come out of the box saying “We don’t like having guest, leave now or pay with your life.”

“Oh how rude,” thought Kody as he presses the giant green button, “You know if I truly want to come into your house, I could have found my way around to back side were the gate is unlock or is now. But I am no thief; I am coming through the front gate like any normal person that wants an audience with your boss.”

The person on the other end forgot to press his button again and Kodiak could hear everything that is going in the control room, “Get someone to the back and see if what this person is saying is true. Could have he been seating in my chair as we come back from break?”

Couple moments of silent and Gordert played thumb war with him self. Every single time his right thumb makes his left thumb tap out.

“Sir he was right and something is missing from the back,” says another voice on the intercom, “How come we didn’t see or hear him coming into the back?”

Kody laughs into the intercom, “Because I am Bloody River Brotheren and we won’t be seen unless we want to be found.” Kody begins to think, “Ah, what is missing by the way?”

“We are currently missing a Husky puppy,”

Kodiak picks a puppy that was by his feet and begins to pet it, “Good boy”

“And the keys to the Mustang” finishes the person on the intercom

On Gordert’s right index finger are the keys to the Mustang

“Since you didn’t kill us, what is your name?” asks the person on the intercom, “So, we can tell the boss you’re coming in.”

“My name is Kody Gordert and I was wondering if-” Kody was beginning to say as the metal gate suddenly swings open toward the house.

“G-Go in” stutters the person on the intercom, “I didn’t mean to waste your time.”

Kody shrugs his shoulders as he sets the puppy back to the ground as he begins to walk into the front lawn of the complex. Minutes before the gates swung open, there was couple of servants or lowly thugs doing some lawn work. As Gordert steps through the gates; everyone disappeared into the complex. Kody thought, “Did someone just rip one so bad that it caused everyone to run back into the complex to escape the smell? Probable not because only one person could do that would be Walter.”

He walks up the yellow brink road that weaves through the front yard, he looks around trying to find anyone to say hi to, but it was a complete ghost town. Suddenly the thought pierces into his brain, “Does someone know who I am? It cannot be her; I thought she wasn’t going be in this business anymore.”

Kody picks up the puppy as he reaches the flight of stairs in front of the house and slowly climbs up the steps patting the dog. Gordert was about to knock onto the giant white pine door, but the door swung open with a person sticking a hand gun in-between his eyes, “I was told you will be coming soon and I was papered for anything you can throw at me.”

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“So you must be the dealer,” says Kody going cross eyed looking at the barrel of the gun, “You know it’s not nice to point a puppy at me because I believe he has to go to the bathroom.”

“What are you talking about-” The dealer look into his hands where the gun was located in, but now he is holding a adorable little Husky puppy, “H-how did you do that? I was looking at you!”

Kody takes the clip out from the gun and unloads the shell that was in the gun, “Do what”

“You know,” says the dealer in utter shock has begins to move his hands around, “Switch my gun with the puppy!”

“Years of practice,” smiles Kody as he sets the gun into his right back pocket, “If I didn’t do that I wouldn’t have died. When I was younger I learn to borrow stuff, if I didn’t I would have been found in a ditch someone with a gun shot in my forehead.”

“What does she want?” ask the dealer as he sets the puppy down, “Does she want you to rough me up to give her more supplies or do you want something else.”

Slowly a devilish grin begins to appear on Kody’s face, “I want what I gave you….back.”

“You cannot do that because I built my whole empire around that single item.” says the dealer slowly taking couple steps backward, “If you take that I wouldn’t be able to defend my carries when they go out on the streets. You said that you would never need her anymore because you were getting out of the business. You promise!”

“Guess what I lied,” says Kody placing his right foot into the chest of dealer and kicking him backward.

The dealer trips over the puppy that was chewing on the extremely over priced carpet and falls back first through a glass table. Kody grabs the dealer by the front of his shirt with both of hands and growls in a low voice, “Where the hell is she and don’t give me the run around or you will be falling from much higher heights.”

The dealer takes a deep breath before speaking, “She is in the panic room like everything else I think will be important to you. Good luck trying to get the code from me because I will never give you it.”

The dealer begins to laugh like moron who believes he just won the battle, but hasn’t won the war. “Oh really,” smiles Kody as he picks the dealer up to his feet, “Give me the password and you will never see me again. If you don’t you will be regretting for the rest of your god given life.”

“Do your worst” softly says the dealer.

With that Kody head butted the dealer in the face knocking him out cold. “You’re going wish you were died.” says Kody as he drops the dealer back to floor with a thump. Kody held his forehead, “Nobody wins with head butt.”

~Couple hours later~

Gordert slowly walks down the stairs to the basement and to his surprise, no body from the dealer group could be found. “I thought for sure his lackeys would be down here trying to hide from me, but I guess they got smart and left town.”

The basement is twenty feet by twenty feet and has a giant metal door at the far end of basement. Kody knocks on the door “Room service”

From the other side a soft voice spoke, “Is that you, Kody?”

“Yes it is,” says Kody placing his hand onto the door, “I am so sorry that I left you here with that idiot. I didn’t know he was going to miss use you like that because I know you’re assassin, but sometimes you want a day off. By any chance is there an escape button in there?”

“Actually there is,” says the female voice, “What took you so long, dear?”

“I was busy being someone I wasn’t,” replied Kody, “Brit, lets go home and I have someone you may want to met because she will would probable hounded you to help her get more better supplies.”

The door slowly opens up and heavy fog slowly poured out as Kody took a couple steps back away from the door. “If you cheated on me…you’re going be died.”

To Be Finish Next Show!

Non Title!
Tyson and ??? vs Justin and Draze


Justin and Draze clothesline Mr.X. over the top rope as Tyson was on the ground. "DDT Combo! " Both Justin and Draze yelled to the crowd. Draze picked up Tyson and put him against the ropes. Justin ran and hit the Springing DDT! However Justin turned into a spinning DDT because Draze hit a big boot helping out. Justin the made the pin as Draze watched his back while watch Mr.X. sart to get up on the outside. The ref started to count.


The winners Draze and Justin!!


The Italian Mafia promo!

“Volume” – Pylon

The arena's lights begin to brightly shine in a lust-red coloring as the stage becomes shrouded in white pillars of mist. Then two men walk out, side-by-side.

Announcer: "Making their way to the ring, from Milano, Italy...weighing at a combined weight of five hundred four pounds...Giovanni & James Montero....'The Italian Mafia!'

Giovanni has a VERY angry glare on his face. Being the larger of the team, Giovanni raises both of his arms high above his head as he slowly trots down the ramp, inching closer to the ring. Giovanni also is wearing his suit with his briefcase. James, on the other hand, begins to leap up and down for a few moments while in his street clothes.

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Then James begins to sprint towards the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and resting on the canvas. Giovanni climbs onto the apron and pulls himself through the ropes. Then he makes his way towards his younger, slightly smaller brother and lifts him up to his feet. Then Giovanni snatches a microphone from a crew technician from over the top rope. Then Giovanni prepares to speak with his strong Italian accent.

Giovanni- ”I just cannot believe the atrocity that took place last week. James and I happen to have lost our debut match, although in my opinion…we had it in the bag. This displeases me greatly. We are no longer going to be a slow-paced tag team. We are transferring our time to becoming a fast-paced, devastating tag team on the roster. In our next match…I GUARANTEE victory! If you oppose me…feel free to speak your part tonight.”

Giovanni hands the briefcase to James as both men look down towards the stage, waiting to see who will accept their calling.

Giovanni- "Well, seeing how we currently don't have any takers...my good brother...James...has come to the hard decision of taking some time off for a while. He will return once he needs to."

The crowd begins to cheer, knowing that the "Italian Mafia" will seize to exist in WWFG until further notice.

Giovanni- "But remember...he won't be gone for long. He's already planning his return. There are just some issues within our family in Italy...and we both decided that it would be best for HIM to go handle everything overseas."

Angel and Harli vs Cyrus and Matt Draven
(Angel you lose because you posted a s**t intro.)

Angel Yelled at Harli. "Get up here. " Angel kept an arm wringer on Cyrus. Cyrus hit Angel in the gut a few times. Cyrus twisted his arm and then pull Angel in and hit the half nelson face buster!! Cyrus laid on the canvas while Angel laid on the canvas knocked out. Cyrus then turned Angel to his back going to pin him!


Angel kicked out. Cyrus looked at the ref as he before tagging Draven in. Draven jumped in the ring as Angel started to get up. Angel dropped to the canvas and rolled out of the ring. He then walked over to Harli and slapped him. Angel backed away while smiling. However once he turned he was hit with a spring board Final Plunge! The crowd stood up as this heavyweight was able to do this high flying move.

The ref started to count.


Draven stood up and yelled to the crowd. Harli jumped over the top of the barricade as Draven slide in at six!

At Eight Harli slide Angel in the the ring. Draven stood up and hit the L.O.!! Draven then covered angel. The ref counted and so did the crowd.


The winner Matt Draven and Cyrus!


GBL Hospital Bed Promo Part 2 of 3! - Kartwright visits


A Clock appeared at the top of the screen as Kart was shown on camera.

A limo pulls-up outside the hospital entrance. The driver gets out and opens the door for King Kartwright.

"Say it." The King demands as the driver looks uncomfortable.

"DO AS I COMMAND YOU!" Kartwright barks angrily, scaring the man.

"All.......all hail......" The driver stutters.



"If you wasn't so cheap I'd have sacked you months ago." Kartwright mutters to him angrily as he heads into the hospital.

He walks over to the reception area.

"Do you have a appointment sir?" The receptionist asks.

"Not a appointment, but I am a guest. I am a long time friend of GBL." The King replies in a friendly manner.

"Right this way sir." The receptionist stands and leads The King right outside GBLs ward.


"Thank you very much." Kartwright says as she leaves.

The King walks over to GBL, who he finds asleep in his bed.

"GBL, I can not think of a better Christmas present to give to myself than giving you another injury." He thinks to himself, looking down on him.

"Merry Christmas......" The camera fades as The King is just about to throw a fist into GBLs face.


Tag Title Match
Tyson Briggs and ??? vs Lenny Scootmeyer and Black Wolf aka Black Moo!

Black Wolf and Lenny Scootmeyer stood in the middle of the ring. Black wolf with a black mask like usually. Lenny with a white mask! Mr.X. and Tyson came down to the ring. Mr. X starts the match off after Tyson gets behind the ring apron. Scootmeyer with his cow pants that say got milk on te side started it off. The bell rang and he went to lock up with Scootermeyter... Mr. X instantly tries to fake out Scootmeyer and back up as he starts off with the lock up. When close enough to the turnbuckle before Scootmeyer reached him, he'd try an arm drag into the turnbuckle! Lenny hit a turnbuckle. Wolf watched on trying to get the crowd going. Mr. X squatted, backing up away from Lenny waiting for him to rise to attempt his next move. As soon as Lenny got up he ran at Mr.X. going for a clothesline. Mr. X went to run at Lenny, ducking under the clothesline... but he kept going! He went to strike Wolf off the apron! Wolf was hit and and fell back and hit the barricade. Lenny kept running trying to stop when he noticed hie was heading towards Tyson! Mr. X turned around to see Tyson entering the ring as Lenny ran towards him. Tyson would try to scoop the legal man up and hit an ESD! Lenny was hit with the East Side Destoryer! Lenny laid there on the canvas. Tyson hooks both of Lenny's legs and goes for the pin. The ref counted the pin.


Your winner The Tag Team Champions!

Tyson got to his feet, smacking his chest. "That's! How! I! Roll! b***h!" Tyson said somewhat leaning over Lenny's limp body. The ref grabbed the tag title and walked to the middle of the ring where Tyson was and held the title out to him as well as Mr. X. Tyson grabbed the belt and quickly threw his arm up swinging the title in the air much like The Rock, smacking his chest. "The best there is baby!"

Time Promo - I am the one!

The figure known as the Time Guy had once again interrupted a WWFG show. His music didn't play, as he stepped out from the curtain rather than hang on the titantron.

"Talent, few in this business rarely have it. But you're looking at the one with the most talent. I don't need to prove myself to all of you ingrates. For week after week, I've said things and I've done exactly what I've said. I took out Brian Ongaru because he's a talentless piece of garbage. I've stated I'll make my debut at the Royal Rumble, and I intend to honor my word."

The figure stood up and he was impressive. The announcers made note of that.

"I've noticed names like The Skilled one, The Talented one, The Great one, The Best one, The Tyrannical one and so on and so forth been said. Curious as I see these names called and they can claim that these names benefit them but of all these names none of them are just simply 'The One' I don't need any fancy names because I am the One. I am the only, the Alpha... The Omega.. I am the One who brings the change, the only one that matters. First I destroy your heroes, then I destroy your dreams."

The figure laughed, as the crowd was totally hanging on the edge of their seats. There was some noticible boos from the youngsters but crowd veterans seemed impressed with this newcomer's words

"Royal Rumble, the clock is ticking...Tick...Tock..You can either join my crusade of change, or you can be faded from existence. I will redefine the way you think of wrestling one destruction at a time..."

The lights went off and when they came back on, the figure was gone.

Bad vs Jones!

Reminder played as Bad Boy walked to the ring, he made his entrance simple as he just ignored the crowd, as they started to boo him. He slid into the ring and runs to the ropes and throws his arm up, the sparks only shooting out the front posts instead of all four. Since this was a dark match they decided to cut his entrance short, after his theme died Bad Boy grabbed the mic and began to talk.

Bad Boy: Ladies and gentlemen, my partner happens to no show again, so because of my importance with this company, I demand that the owner makes this a singles match between me and someone else, instead of a tag match.

Numb by Linkin Park begins to play as the arena gets dark. Lights begin to flash all over the arena, as Jack Jones walks out. The fans cheer as he walks down the ramp, lighting up the arena. Its been a long time since he actually competed in a match in this company, so he was ready for this. He grabbed a mic and climbed into the ring, and the fans grow silent.

"So your scared? Just because your partner is not here, you want it to be a singles match. Well let me tell you something buddy. In order to make it in any company, you need to face all odds. Last week, my partner did not even show up. That didn't stop me from coming out here and try to beat 2 other tag teams. So I just want to know. What makes you so special?"

Bad Boy shook his head, as he looked at Jack and grabbed the mic.

" Well you see, what makes me special is the fact that I was a former two-time WWF Champion, along with a spot in the WWF Hall of Fame, so I don't need to prove myself out here as to why I should get a certain treatment. Last week my partner never showed up, and my match was cancelled. As a matter of fact I shouldn't even need a partner to be successful, I've already became a success all by myself!"

The crowd started booing as that last statement was made, knowing that both of them he had help with. Bad Boy looked at them as they started to chant "You suck!" he waited for the crowd to quiet down before talking.

" As a matter of fact, what have you done here in WWF, and what gives you the right to call me out? I've never seen or heard of you before, so as far as I'm concerned you shouldn't even be in the same ring as me, until you have proof of being as good as me! "

The crowd booed louder once Bad was done.

Jack chuckled at what Bad Boy just said.

"Wow. You are a FORMER 2 time WWF Champion, and you have a spot in the hall of fame. You are one of the greatest wrestlers of all time." Jack said in a mocking tone.

The crowd started to cheer when Jack stopped. They were already tired of Bad Boy complaining. Jack waited for them to quiet down before speaking again.

"And considering that I'm current WECW US Champ, and RCW Champ, 1-time WECW Extreme Champion, 1-time WECW Mr. Money in the Bank, and 1-time, NBWA Anytime Champion, I'm not only as good as you, but I'm better than you."

The crowd cheered at the last statement Jack had said. Some of them remember him being champion, as they were there, or because all of those title reigns were recent.

"So get the hell out of my ring, you little has been."

Bad Boy almost lost all control when he heard the words 'has been,' and started to yell into the microphone.


The crowd started chanting "Has been! Has been! Has been!" Bad Boy turned to the crowd walking to the ropes.


The crowd got louder with their chants, Bad Boy just turned to Jack continuing.

" First of all nobody has ever heard of those companys let alone care about them, you see this is the only company that matters, and the only reason these fans would cheer for you is because of their boring lives and they have nothing better to do but to watch what you call wrestling companies! "

The crowd boo'd and started the "has been" chant again.

" These people here just don't know it because of their ignorance and yet you're just like them, another chump that thinks that you can continue feeding the crowd what they believe but what will never be true, I am not a has been, I am the best, and I will continue being the best! "

The crowd boo'd louder as Bad Boy backed to the ropes thinking he's done.

"Your the best? Really?"

Jack grinned at Bad Boy's foolishness.

"If your the best this company has to offer, then............. this place.......... this company............... is worthless. But we all know that your not the best."

The crowd started cheering at the last statement Jack had just said.

"I mean I've accomplished more than you already. And I think I should let you know your mom told me to tell you to take your testicles out of your mouth, and try to be a man for once. I mean we all know Lady Gaga is more of a man that you'll ever be, but that doesn't mean that you can't try."

The crowd began to cheer, "You can't try, You can't try, You can't try."  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:21 pm
Card will be posted tomorrow and results to.  



PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:10 am
Can I have a normal 1 on 1 match?  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:43 pm
hmm. Sure. Enter your tag match and say Aeron car broke down.  


The Lightning Magnum

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:46 pm
'The Midnight Drifter' Jet is looking for a debut. This seems to be a pretty good time.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:38 pm
'The Midnight Drifter' Jet is looking for a debut. This seems to be a pretty good time.
Only two characters. That is a warning!  


The Lightning Magnum

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:24 pm
'The Midnight Drifter' Jet is looking for a debut. This seems to be a pretty good time.
Only two characters. That is a warning!

I'm going to put-off James for a while. I'll add that to my promo.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:27 pm
'The Midnight Drifter' Jet is looking for a debut. This seems to be a pretty good time.
Only two characters. That is a warning!

I'm going to put-off James for a while. I'll add that to my promo.
No. Pick only two that is it.  


The Lightning Magnum

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:31 pm
'The Midnight Drifter' Jet is looking for a debut. This seems to be a pretty good time.
Only two characters. That is a warning!

I'm going to put-off James for a while. I'll add that to my promo.
No. Pick only two that is it.

That's just what I've done. I know I've said in my promo that James will return soon, but something will be worked-out when the time comes so that I remain under the character limit.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:36 pm
'The Midnight Drifter' Jet is looking for a debut. This seems to be a pretty good time.
Only two characters. That is a warning!

I'm going to put-off James for a while. I'll add that to my promo.
No. Pick only two that is it.

That's just what I've done. I know I've said in my promo that James will return soon, but something will be worked-out when the time comes so that I remain under the character limit.
what I just said was. I'm only allowing two characters. If you are trying to build some storyline up between yourself. when want to do it you are going to have to get rid of another person. In which I don't want that. Just pick two people. That's it. Two final people that wont be leaving. Unless you pm your entire idea. Then I might consider what you have..  



PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:11 pm
hmm. Sure. Enter your tag match and say Aeron car broke down.
Who am I facing then?  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:32 pm
hmm. Sure. Enter your tag match and say Aeron car broke down.
Who am I facing then?



PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:49 pm
No Autohit or autowins allowed till 12/26/09!  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:11 am
Wow, one day? I thought it was bad enough for me to sign-in today, thank boredom for that!  


Hilarious Sex Symbol

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Call Me Bam

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:52 am
Im gonna guess we're gonna have one more supershow before the royal rumble?  
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