Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:31 am
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:38 am
Table of Contents Quote: Post One: Statistics and Intro Post Two: ToC Post Three: Rules Post Four: Amarant Post Five: Chimalsi Post Six: Mephistopheles Post Seven: Marla Post Eight: Sitareh Post Nine: Fenggan Post Ten: Medea Post Eleven: Devi Post Twelve: Ophelia Post Thirteen: Grigori
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:52 am
Rules and Conduct Quote: 1. Do not post here. This is for record-keeping and display purposes only. If you want to RP with one of my Soquili, please PM me and a thread will be set up in the proper location. If you just have a question, also direct that to PMs. My plot thread is always hungry for suggestions and posts, so feel free to poke around in there. xxxxx1a. If you have a personal grievance with me or one of my characters in an RP do not post here. Send me a PM, and we will try to get it resolved. Hot-headedness aside, most disputes are likely to be misunderstandings. 2. Unless I have put up a specific request, either in my plot thread or in Lover's Rock, don't ask about breedings. I find it's hard to pant over something without also being rude. By that same token, baskets will be given out to people I find deserving. If you beg, plan on receiving a scathing response. 3. There is proper conduct to follow during a roleplay. If I think you have violated one or more of the tenets, I will politely ask you to change it. If you think I have, please bring it up before we move on. The point is to have fun, not to make it frustrating for those involved. Just keep lines of communication open. 4. I reserve the right to add to or alter these guidelines at any time.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:06 am
Name: Amarant Species: Cosplay - FFIX Mate: N/A Offspring: None.
Personality: A detached, potentially aggressive loner by nature, Amarant doesn't have any overtly redeeming qualities that save him from being labeled an arrogant b*****d. He is rarely interested in company, though he will tolerate it under certain circumstances, depending on how insistent the poor creature is and how much personality clashing is involved. He's wary of closeness, seeing it as the rash that forms before the disease of dependence sets in and goes against his proud nature. He is confrontational, sometimes cruel, and almost always infuriating, but underneath it all is the capacity to learn and to privately question his own position. A stallion that is loyal only to himself, it takes a lot to break down the barriers that time and age-old jeering have set.
History: Having lost his mother to the treacherous climate of the mountains years ago, Amarant has taken to wandering through the valleys and low-lands he stood apart from as a colt. Although he would never admit it, he also surreptitiously searches for those who might be of blood-relation to him, purposefully seeking out the father that abandoned he and his dam to harsh elements. What he plans to do once he finds the stallion is not specified, but any reunion between the giants will prove to be tense at the very least. On top of being nomadic in nature, Ama infrequently takes on mercenary work, though he is selective on the who and what of the matter. Anyone who doesn't meet his criteria usually ends up rejected.
Friends: N/A Acquaintances: Alyssum Foes: Theia
Font color: [color=#528B8B]
Plot thread post here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:41 pm
Name: Chimalsi Species: Kirin Mate: Laurelin Offspring: Sitareh and Hallon.
Personality: Initially appearing as a courteous, if somewhat absent-minded example of his race, Chimalsi is in reality a very disturbed Kirin who dotes on self-made delusions. Sentimental only when it comes to his "valuables," this boy is convinced that the hoard he has added to steadily throughout his life is sentient and speaks to him. Serving as his only source of constant companionship and affection, his allegiance to the treasure trove has made him neglect bonds elsewhere, and he has maintained very little outside contact. Usually mild-mannered and well-spoken, he can become hostile in an instant if he thinks that his love is being somehow threatened, and has hurt to preserve its majesty in the past. Recently, he has attempted to lay that aspect of himself to rest through his relationship with Laurelin, a mare whom he has fallen for despite his own questionable mental health.
History: Once upon a time, Chimalsi belonged to a modest herd that consisted predominately of family. He served as a tracker within the dynamic, and was rumored to be one of the best. After a cataclysmic event left most of his relatives dead or missing, Chimalsi found himself alone. He turned his feelings of loneliness and shock inward, where "beloved" developed as a coping mechanism, a source of purpose and affection. Her needs superseded his own, and it became an unhealthy, abusive experience where he was trapped and punished for perceived wrongdoings, no matter how hard he tried to pay tribute. It wasn't until Laurelin came along that doubts regarding his path in life manifested, and it would be a long, arduous journey back out into the light. In the now, he is weak and tired from his experiences, but his old personality is slowly resurfacing under the tree-mare's careful ministrations.
Friends: Laurelin, Alyssum Acquaintances: N/A Foes: Beloved?
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Plot thread post here.Winning entry here. Lifemate agreement here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:07 pm
Name: Mephistopheles Species: Mutant; Forest Demon Mate: N/A Offspring: Diriel
Personality: Still laboring under the curse that was inflicted on him for his vanity, Mephistopheles is a bitter, angry example of his race. Despite believing that he was punished unfairly for his "crimes," he is swift to condemn others who offer themselves up for judgment, and will act violently when challenged or disobeyed by those he considers to be under his control. When he can overcome such chilling hatred, he presents as a silver-tongued beast who will manipulate others to meet his own ends, often pretending to be a neutral, or even benevolent force. This is particularly visible when he offers wishes from the bottle around his neck. He does not form bonds easily, and is largely unschooled in affection, though his past implies this is due to a lack of interest. His physical deformities are regarded with contempt, though the increase in his abilities is accepted without complaint, and his affinity with the surrounding forest makes him a formidable foe. Thankfully, his talents do not extend very far outside of this domain, and those who have riled him will not be accosted outside the green realm. If they can make it out alive in the first place, that is.
History: Originally a forest guardian of widespread repute, Mephistopheles was beautiful and dispassionate in his power, administering punishment to those who sought to harm his patron woods. When an angeni with otherworldly skills offered him a bottle full of wishes for his steady work, he accepted it with the assumption that it was a deserved gift. It would not be until the forest spirits attempted to rob him of some of his influence that he balked, refusing to sacrifice the smallest drop of blood to bring a companion guardian to life - a mare that would have been his soulmate. Angered by this, he was cursed by the very trees he'd protected with his life, turned into a towering, twisted example of an oak. In this state, his bitterness grew, turned to a kind of tempered madness, and it would not be until a halfbreed named Tempest freed him that the whole of his curse would come to fruition.
Hating his new, ugly shape, he would have gladly given up the force required for the forest to forgive his transgressions. Unfortunately, he was denied as much by his bloodless body. The only logical thing to do was to implant his essence elsewhere, in this case, by impregnating the mare of the stallion that had freed him. He struck a deal with Tempest, alleviating the kalona partblood's hunger in exchange for his firstborn, or the child that would effectively be his. Months passed, and there was no sign of the foal that would free him. Unable to leave his domain, the demon was powerless to seek out his offspring alone. That is, until a mare named Alyssum happened upon his glade. Now he waits for the one named Laurelin whom he believes to be his wayward child, prepared to cut her throat and end his imprisonment.
Friends: N/A Acquaintances/Pawns: Alyssum, Tempest, Habibi Foes: Damn trees.
Font color: [color=#476A34]
Plot thread post here. Winning entry here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:20 pm
Name: Marla Species: Cosplay - Pokemon (Mismagius) Mate: N/A Offspring: None.
Personality: Reckless and sometimes cruel, Marla grew up in an emotionally impaired, estranged family where none of her needs were catered to during a delicate foalhood. To help with the loneliness, she "adopted" several imaginary friends that she called her phantoms, who kept her from despair and performed little tasks that would make life difficult for her enemies. Having outgrown that sort of behavior, she eventually followed in her mother's footsteps, taking over the decades old tradition of communicating with ghosts. Unfortunately, though she masquerades as a spiritual medium, Marla is actually a con-artist who preys on the living as a bringer of false hope and misinformation. She views the need to make contact with the dead as a weakness in others, a sign of being unable to let go and move on. Or worse, a curiosity that wishes to be sated without reverence to the deceased parties. Because of this, she feels justified in aiding their expulsion from disillusionment. And yet, the mare is not wholly without morals or devoid of a belief in the spiritual world herself. She can even occasionally pity someone enough to give the medium thing an honest go.
History: Marla was a strange filly, and remains as such into adulthood, though with fewer imaginary friends. Her dealings with the spiritual realm have been notably dangerous in the past, but she continues to pursue the connection to the exclusion of real world contact. (Work in progress...)
Friends: Acquaintances: Foes:
Font color: [color=#754C78]
Plot thread post here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:22 pm
Name: Sitareh Species: Kirin/Tree Mutant Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Family: Chimalsi (Father), Laurelin (Mother), Hallon (Brother)
Personality: A little clumsy and somewhat spoiled, Sitareh is otherwise a sweetheart in her foalhood. She's fairly outgoing, and her unusual genetics leave her somewhat prone to treating inanimate objects like they're sentient. She also likes to hoard things when no one's looking, a trait discouraged by her father for its obvious implications, but so far she just seems to enjoy innocently "collecting" friends. Although she is likely to grow out of at least some of these quirks as time passes, the filly has no idea that her habits would be considered odd by those on the outside, and expects that her fairytale family is normal. Whether or not this opinion sticks in the presence of others has yet to be seen.
History: In the works. Thus far, she has been sticking very close to her family, which is tight-knit and used to standing apart from others due to both of her parents' backgrounds. She spends a lot of time entertaining, playing, and learning with her brother, who is her constant playmate. Her very small hoard, which her sibling adds to as well, is kept in the hollows of trees.
Friends: Acquaintances: Foes:
Font color: [color=#CCCC00] Stages: Basket, FoalPlot thread post here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:23 pm
Name: Fenggan Species: Regular Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Family: Haoxian (Father), Laohu (Mother), Bao (Sister), Suanmi (Brother)
Personality: Quiet and a bit austere for someone so young, Feng is content to sit back and observe, but equally willing to butt in if he feels the situation warrants it. He has already developed firm views on what constitutes as "normal," and is critical of those who fall outside the boundaries of his assumptions. Despite his sometimes abrasive attitude, he can be a doting older brother, and has a soft spot for small and vulnerable creatures.
History: In the works. He is a bit of a wanderer, always straying from his family and striking out on his own. This normally operates just fine, but he can occasionally find trouble, or even go so far as to make it, if left to his own devices.
Friends: Acquaintances: Foes:
Font color: [color=#567E3A] Stages: Basket, FoalPlot thread post here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:26 pm
Name: Medea Species: Regular Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Family: None
Personality: A radical mare in her own right, Medea can nonetheless come off as emotionally-stunted and wary in the company of others. After enduring countless years of being talked down to and even outright demeaned by the stallions in her previous herd, she has developed a temper that can manifest at seemingly random moments, and is honestly a bit of a scrapper in terms of fighting technique. Fitted with a fierce protectiveness of her person, most would find her to be a difficult friend, one prone to taking offense where none was meant and occasionally picking fights where bloodshed is unnecessary. Anyone capable of putting up with her in the long run falls under the blanket of her defensive ways, whether they like it or not. In a quieter mindset, she can be surprisingly perceptive, able to pick up on the surface emotions of others and read into their situations. How she uses the information she's acquired depends on the circumstances.
History: Raised in a patriarchal herd with strictly traditionalist values, Medea was subjected to a regimen of dismissive degradation and neglect. Not considered strikingly beautiful or possessing of any talents that would increase her dismal rank, she was often sent to scout out viable grasslands, a filly braving the elements and predators alone. Despite the dangers, this arrangement worked for a time, freeing her from the confines of a life she had been born into. As she came into her child-bearing years, however, it became clear that her days of freedom were numbered. Being a female, her only duties inevitably whittled down to producing children and tending to the needs of others. Disgusted with the prospect, she left without a word to anyone, traveling across the freezing mountains and arriving at the plains on the other side, her determination to disconnect from her old life insisting she put as much geography between them as possible. While the effects of the journey are still written in her very flesh, she feels no regret for leaving behind everything that was familiar, intent on starting fresh in a place where no one knows her.
Friends: Acquaintances: Foes:
Font color: [color=#236B8E] Plot thread post here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:27 pm
Name: Devi Species: Kirin Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Family: Chimalsi (Brother)
Personality: Puckish and charming, Devi has never had trouble making friends and breaking hearts. While her intentions tend to edge into a purer spectrum, she can be surprisingly oblivious to the needs of others, and sometimes misses the importance of maintaining relationships when she can always start up new ones. Although it might come off as callous and shallow, she hardly considers it an "exchange" of any kind, and doesn't expect her abandoned companions to hold grudges against her under normal circumstances. She can rally sharpness and harsh words when she finds they're required, and hosts a wealth of fiery disapproval to be wielded against those who try her. She does have an intensely maternal side, brought out primarily by her brother, who has always had a bit of a tenuous hold on reality. Her patience when it comes to the mentally unstable is the only check on her otherwise flighty nature.
History: Having come from a small, tight-knit family, Devi learned early on that other Soquili came and went, but her parents and her brother were stationary features in her life. At least until Chimalsi was separated from them, lost and possibly killed after a freak event stole him away and left her shaken. The realization that they would never again be whole opened up a chasm in the impressionable filly, one that emptied even as she struggled to fill it again with whatever was in reach. Years later, she steadily came to terms with the loss, evicting the sadness and donning a new, less complicated stance on love and its many forms. Imagine her surprise to find her brother still alive and well...
Friends: Acquaintances: Foes:
Font color: [color=#8B6508] Plot thread post here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:20 pm
Name: Ophelia Species: Angeni halfbreed Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Family: Massive. Immediate family is as follows: Able (Father), Josephine (Mother), Sethe (Brother), Jenesis (Sister), Bereale (Sister).
Personality: Possessing what some might call an enhanced sense of right and wrong, Elia sees no issue in pointing out where others have gone awry. She fully recognizes that pain is not something to be taken or inflicted lightly, and that sometimes it is an accidental consequence rather than a goal. If one Soquili has paid injury or emotional damage to another of their kind, they will be granted ample opportunities to redeem themselves, and she'll be more than happy to help in their crusade to fix what they've broken. If, however, they have no interest in atonement, or actually enjoy the act of causing destruction, she will find a way to make them pay for their crimes. Her philosophy revolves around the principle of an eye for an eye, or an equivalent exchange of anguish. While she typically neglects to get her own hooves dirty unless absolutely necessary, she has plans for a network of similar-minded Soquili who might be her hammer, a team that administers the proper amount of justice. Aside from her righteous ways, Ophelia is a kindly, but reserved filly who embraces the whole of her family and its assorted oddities. She takes her duties toward her relatives and her charges very seriously, but endures teasing for her seemingly high-mannered ways with a careful smile. Her activities are kept quiet, though they are hardly a secret - she merely does not advertise to those in her bloodline who may not approve, particularly her grandmother.
History: In the works.
Friends: Acquaintances: Foes:
Font color: [color=#800000] Plot thread post here. Winning entry here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:21 pm
Name: Grigori Species: Mutant Mate: N/A Offspring: None. Family: Genesis (Father), Gin Kageka (Mother); Genevia (sister), Gyousei (brother).
Personality: From a distance, Grigori can come off as a bit broody, perhaps even mysterious. Up close, however, it's clear that he's awkward and uncertain around anyone outside his immediate family. Humor, for example, seems to bewilder him much of the time, not because his sense of it is lacking, but because much of it seems foreign against the backdrop of his life. While he is quick to pick up on things, he is unlikely to speak at any length about them, and he will not waste words when a gesture might suffice. He also spends a great deal of time observing others, a trait that will only deepen as he grows. He is usually slow to anger, and not naturally aggressive, but small, seemingly trivial provocations have been known to set him off.
Friends: N/A Acquaintances: N/A Foes: N/A
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Plot thread post here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:23 pm
Name: Kiri Species: Regular Mate: N/A Offspring: None. Family: N/A
Personality: Kiri is a mare comfortable in her own skin. She is typically laid back and overtly friendly, and is hardly one to judge others based solely on appearances or temperamental first impressions. Some who first encounter her might describe her as lazy, and a few more dismissive fellows might go so far as to call her dense, but the mare hardly allows opinions to cloud her sense of self-worth. While it is true that she is not much for deep or even critical thinking, Kiri is more than capable of problem-solving in a pinch, but prefers to leave the leader role to others. Her cheerful demeanor is also belied by the fact that she is a skilled fighter, capable of disarming opponents through both her impressive size and swiftness. Even so, she uses the physical option only as a last resort, and often only to protect either herself or those less able.
History: Kiri hails from a jungle tribe where she was reared devoid of the prejudices that plague so many mainland Soquili... (WIP)
Friends: N/A Acquaintances: N/A Foes: N/A
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Plot thread post here.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:25 pm